Posts Tagged ‘ 4-H ’

Obituary — John D. Orr

Mar 1st, 2012 | By | Category: Obituaries

A retired UNL Extension specialist and 4-H youth specialist, John D. Orr, died Feb. 27 in Mitchell, S.D. He was 83. Orr joined the University of Nebraska in 1956; he led 4-H, Rural Youth and International 4-H Youth Exchange (IFYE) programs before retiring from the Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service in 1988. He was promoted to […]

4-H programs designed to make new scientists

Feb 4th, 2010 | By | Category: Campus News, February 4, 2010, Issue

As a way to get the country’s youth more interested in science, the National 4-H Headquarters and National 4-H council have launched the “One Million New Scientists, One Million New Ideas” campaign. In Nebraska, 4-H’ers are well on their way to becoming the next Albert Einstein or Bill Gates by participating in science, engineering and […]

4-H Youth Entrepreneurship receives national awards

Dec 10th, 2009 | By | Category: Campus News, December 10, 2009, Issue

A UNL 4-H program that teaches entrepreneurship to middle and high school students is attracting nationwide attention. 4-H’s EntrepreneurShip Investigation program received the Cathy Ashmore Leadership and Advocacy Award from the National Consortium of Entrepreneurship Investigation on Nov. 8 in Norfolk, Va. The award, named after the executive director of the consortium, recognizes outstanding entrepreneurship […]

$2.5M grant steers 4-H robotics curriculum into nation’s schools

Jan 8th, 2009 | By | Category: Campus News, Issue, January 8, 2009

Nebraska 4-H is emerging as a national leader in science education, thanks to a nearly $2.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation that is taking 4-H robotics and GPS/GIS curriculum national. The new grant, “Scale-Up: National Robotics in 4-H: Workforce Skills for the 21st Century,” allows 4-H to expand its current program, offered mostly […]