Posts Tagged ‘ Dr. James Guest ’

Flu shots still available

Mar 31st, 2011 | By | Category: Employee News, Jan. 27

The University Health Center is offering flu shots for $15. To schedule an appointment, call (402) 472-5000. Lancaster County has recorded a recent increase in flu activity. Dr. James Guest, director of the UHC, recommends the flu shot as the best defense against seasonal flu. According to Health and Human Services, the strains of flu […]

Campus not in first wave of H1N1 vaccine

Oct 8th, 2009 | By | Category: Campus News, Issue, October 8, 2009

The University Health Center will receive the 2009 H1N1 vaccine, but not until later in the distribution process, health center director Dr. James Guest said. Initially, the vaccine is being released and distributed in small quantities to providers who treat people who are at highest risk for complications. At this time, the Lincoln Lancaster County […]