Posts Tagged ‘ Linda Major ’

Grant to foster student civic engagement

Apr 29th, 2010 | By | Category: April 29, 2010, Campus News

Research shows that college students who are engaged and active in their communities enjoy better mental health, are far less likely to drop out, and will remain highly involved citizens after they graduate. Now, thanks to a new grant, UNL will create a Civic Engagement Certificate program that allows students to link what they learn […]

First-years pilot online alcohol use survey

Aug 27th, 2009 | By | Category: August 27, 2009, Campus News, Issue

Interactive program designed to curtail high-risk drinking In a unique pilot program, incoming first-year students at UNL have completed an online alcohol education program designed to assess students’ attitudes about and use of alcohol, while giving them information about their peers’ norms. The interactive online survey gathers from and gives information to students about drinking […]

Major, Workman earn honors for NU Directions

Mar 26th, 2009 | By | Category: Employee News, Issue, March 26, 2009

Linda Major of UNL and professor Thomas Workman of the University of Houston-Downtown and Baylor College of Medicine, each received this year’s Facilitator Award from Stetson University College of Law at the 30th Annual National Conference on Law and Higher Education on Feb. 22 in Orlando, Fla. Major serves as the director of student involvement […]

New Safe Space, Ally campaign launched

Oct 2nd, 2008 | By | Category: Campus News, October 2, 2008

UNL is first campus to use 2 public designations for LGBTQ students LGBTQA Programs and Services at UNL launched a new Safe Space/Ally campaign, “Different people. Different needs. Different solutions,” on Oct. 1. In conjunction with the month-long Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Ally History Month celebration, the campaign focuses on the recognition of […]