Verbatim — Weissinger to chair committee for new Academic Affairs leader

May 7th, 2010 | By | Category: Campus News, May 6, 2010

Editor’s Note – Chancellor Harvey Perlman issued this April 27 e-mail about UNL’s search for a new senior vice chancellor for Academic Affairs.


I am writing to inform you that I have appointed the search committee and hired a search consultant to help with the search for the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

The committee will meet next month with the consultant to get organized and plan the search process, which will begin in earnest in the fall. The search committee will be chaired by Ellen Weissinger, interim senior vice chancellor. Other members of the committee are:

Richard Alloway, associate professor, Journalism; Susan Belasco, professor and chair, English; Patrice Berger, director, Honors Program; Calvin Garbin, professor, Psychology; Aaron Holz, assistant professor, Art and Art History; John Lindquist, associate professor, Agronomy and Horticulture and Faculty Senate representative; Anthony Starace, professor, Physics; Lily Wang, associate professor, Architectural Engineering; Xiao Zeng, Professor, Chemistry; Marjorie Kostelnik, dean, Education and Human Sciences; Donde Plowman, dean, Business Administration; Anna Shavers, associate dean, Law; Elaine Westbrooks, associate dean, Libraries; Sheila Elijah, HDR Architects; Laura Lynch, president Graduate Student Association; Jane Schneider, Graduate Studies; and Justin Solomon, president, ASUN.

This committee has a critical task in front of them and I am very grateful for their service. We will keep the campus informed as the search proceeds.

Harvey Perlman, Chancellor

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