
from the issue of January 15, 2004

Roadwork to change traffic flow on campus

Sixteenth and 17th streets north of Nebraska Hall will become two-way streets, and other road changes will occur as work on the Antelope Valley project continues.
 The bridge over Antelope Creek on 17th Street will be removed in early February. A new road has been built directly north of Nebraska Hall between 16th and 17th streets, and it will be used to keep traffic flowing in this area. This street, known as the Y Street Connector, will be a one-way street going west to connect northbound traffic on 17th Street to 16th Street.
 Beginning the week of Jan. 26, the following changes will occur to streets north of Nebraska Hall:
 16th Street north of the Y Street Connector will become a two-way street from the Connector to the 17th and Holdrege streets intersection.
 The Connector will take northbound 17th Street traffic to 16th Street, where cars can turn either north or south on 16th Street.
 17th Street north of Y Street will become a two-way street with a center turn lane.
 Y Street will remain a two-way road.
 The intersection at 17th and Holdrege streets will have signal lights to allow traffic to go straight or turn right or left through the intersection from any of the four directions.
 For example, to travel from 17th and O streets to the Bob Devaney Sports Center during these road changes: Take 17th Street north and turn left (west) on the Connector. From the Connector, turn right (north) on 16th Street. Follow 16th Street north to the intersection of 17th and Holdrege streets. Turn left (north) onto 17th Street and into the Bob Devaney Sports Center parking area.
 To travel from 17th and O streets to UNL Food Services, which is on 17th Street just north of Y Street: Take 17th Street north and turn left (west) on the Connector. From there, turn right (north) on 16th Street, and turn right (east) on Y Street. Turn left (north) on 17th Street, then turn right (east) into the Food Services parking lot.
 All traveling to or from events at the Devaney Sports Center are encouraged to use the 14th and 27th Street entrances and exits.
 For more information on these changes, call John Springer at Facilities Management and Planning, 472-4818.
Journalist to kick off King week events
Lecture to address how U.S. relates to the world
Roadwork to change traffic flow on campus
Cattle prices same as this time last year
Lectures on natural resources, water issues begin Jan. 21