
from the issue of January 29, 2004

New year brings some changes to W-2s

This information about changes to the W-2 forms was e-mailed Jan. 20 to all faculty and staff.
 This is the first year that the University of Nebraska is printing and distributing W-2 forms for its employees. In the past, university employees received their W-2 forms from the State of Nebraska, which included wages earned from both the University of Nebraska as well as any other State of Nebraska agency.
 As a result of this change, university employees should keep in mind the following:
 Employees who worked for another State of Nebraska agency during 2003 in addition to the University of Nebraska will receive one W-2 from the university and one W-2 from the State of Nebraska.
 The University of Nebraska now has its own Federal employer identification number and name. This information appears in boxes b and c on the W-2 form and will be different than the information on previous W-2 forms. Employees should inform their tax adviser of this change and review any automated output from tax software, such as Turbo Tax, to ensure the proper employer information is recorded for the federal tax return.
 The University of Nebraska now also has its own state employer identification number, which will be different than the information on previous W-2 forms. This information appears in box 15 on the W-2 form. Employees should inform their tax adviser of this change and review any automated output from tax software, such as Turbo Tax, to ensure the proper employer information is recorded for the state tax return.
 W-2 forms were mailed via U.S. Mail on Jan. 20 to the employees permanent home address, which is on file in the SAP payroll file.
 Requests for duplicate W-2s will be accepted beginning Feb. 2. This should allow ample time for the forms to be forwarded to a new address or returned to the Payroll Office. An employee may request a duplicate W-2 by completing the Request for Duplicate W-2 form, which is in SLUGO. The path is: SLUGO>Downloads>UNL>Business Forms>Blank Forms.
 The completed form, including proof of identification, must be submitted to the Campus Payroll Office. Allow three working days for processing the request. Fax copies will be accepted provided that the proof of identification, drivers license or campus ID are legible. The Payroll Office Fax numbers are: City Campus: 472-0134; IANR Finance and Personnel: 472-9847.
 Questions on the University of Nebraska W-2 form can be directed to your campus Payroll Office: UNL City Campus 472-2010; IANR Finance & Personnel 472-1421.
New year brings some changes to W-2s
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