
from the issue of February 19, 2004

Forerunners of Rap Return to Lied Feb. 21

The Watts Prophets, a musical group known as one of the forerunners of rap music, will return to the Lied Center for Performing Arts to perform at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 21. They will be joined onstage by a hip-hop poetry choir of Lincoln high school students.

| | Richard Dedeaux, Amde Hamilton and Otis O’Solomon, The Watts Prophets, will bring early rap/hip hop poetry to the Lied Feb. 21.

| | The Watts Prophets come from the Watts section of Los Angeles and were formed out of the Watts Writers Workshop, created in the mid-1960s to encourage residents to express themselves and their culture after the Watts Riots. Three students who came from the workshop in 1967 - Richard Dedeaux, Anthony Amde Hamilton and Otis OSolomon form the Watts Prophets of today.
 The Watts Prophets earliest works expressed their rage against powerlessness and focused on racism, poverty and violence. Today, the group works to encourage positive messages about education and artistic expression using its style that combines chanted, spoken and sung poetry with jazz.
 The Watts Prophets are conducting two weeks of residencies with Lincoln High, Lincoln East and Lincoln North Star high schools. Some of the students will join The Watts Prophets onstage.
 Kit Voorhees, arts educator, will give a lecture 30 minutes before the performance in the Lieds Steinhart Room. Tickets are $28, $23 and $18; tickets are half-price for college students and those 18 and under with identification. Call the Lied box office at 472-4747 or (800) 432-3231 for tickets.
Forerunners of Rap Return to Lied Feb. 21
Gilbert and Sullivan Classic Pirates At Lied
Art Sandwiched In
Hit Improv Comedy Group ‘Second City’ at Lied Center Feb. 25
‘Pollock by Arneson’ Feb. 24
Post-showdiscussion for ‘How I Learned to Drive’
Spring Dance Gala Feb. 28