
| | UNL Chemist Xiao Cheng Zeng, left, and graduate student Jail Bai stand next to UNL’s supercomputer PrairieFire, which helped them create models of silicon tubes less than a nanometer in diameter. The models showed that the tubes are likely to be conductors. Photo by Brett Hampton.

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Study: Silicon can act like metal
Using one large computer, one borrowed graduate student, one good friend and one piece of advice from dear old Dad, a UNL chemist and his team came up with an unexpected discovery: At extremes of size, silicon may behave like a metal.
Top News
Facility to work on Valley Fever vaccine
The UNL Biological Process Development Facility, directed by Professor of Chemical Engineering Michael Meagher, will begin process research and development to produce a vaccine for human clinical trials against coccidioidomycosis, or Valley Fever.
Area takes holistic view of survey
This is one in a recurring feature spotlighting the ways that results from the 2002 Gallup survey have been used to make positive changes on campus.
Sociology focuses on building on department’s strengths
This is one in a recurring feature spotlighting the ways that results from the 2002 Gallup survey have been used to make positive changes in departments across campus.
Site features state’s fossils
Nebraskans now have a way to see the fossil heritage of their home counties, thanks to a new University of Nebraska State Museum Web site created by a dedicated volunteer.
Other News
5 areas added to ‘Programs of Excellence’
Five programs have been added to UNLs Programs of Excellence, bringing to 20 the number of programs identified for enhanced funding.
Addressing water’s legal issues
Sandra Postel, director of the Global Water Policy Project, answers a question during her keynote address at UNLs first Water Law, Policy and Science Conference on March 4. The two-day conference at the College of Law drew more than 265 people and was an inaugural event for UNL's new Water Resources Research Initiative, which supports broad, interdisciplinary water-related research. UNL organizers will host the Water Law, Policy and Science Conference annually so experts can discuss different aspects of water issues. This year's conference focused on law, but future conferences will explore science and policy issues.
Gaelic Storm to mark St. Patty’s Day at Lied
On March 17, the St. Patricks Day party starts at the Lied Center with Gaelic Storm, a high-energy band known for its rousing Irish music. The show will begin at 7:30 p.m.
Other Arts
Benefit planned for Kees music manuscripts
Music, poetry, art and the artistic genius of Weldon Kees will be the focus of Too Cool to Care: Weldon Kees with a San Francisco Beat, a March 26 benefit event featuring an eclectic mix of performances.
Dallas Brass to perform, offer workshops
The Dallas Brass will be joined by local high school band members for part of its performance at 7:30 p.m. March 25 in Kimball Recital Hall.
Goldman show to debut at Ross
The Nebraska ETV Network will offer a free preview screening of its new production, Emma Goldman: An Exceedingly Dangerous Woman, at 7:30 p.m. March 25 at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center.
Thesis Exhibition opens March 22
The first of three MFA Thesis Exhibitions offered this spring by the Department of Art and Art History opens March 22 in the Eisentrager-Howard Gallery, on the first floor of Richards Hall. The exhibition continues through March 31. A reception will be from 5-7 p.m. March 26 in the Gallery.
Panel discussion to feature Zimmerman
Debra Zimmerman, executive director of Women Make Movies, will visit the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center tonight to participate in the centers retrospective of films from Women Make Movies. She will participate in a panel discussion on women and minorities in the film industry at 7:30 p.m. The discussion will be preceded by a screening of one of the films from the retrospective.
Chinese Golden Dragon Acrobats Perform tonight
The Chinese Golden Dragon Acrobats will perform their feats at 7 p.m. March 11 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts.