
from the issue of April 1, 2004

Raffle for Museum offers unique prizes

Have you ever wanted to ride in a Model T, excavate fossils at Ashfall, or experience fine dining in the company of a geologist? A fundraiser by the Friends of the University of Nebraska State Museum gives raffle winners a chance at these and a host of other unusual and practical prizes.
 The money raised will help support exhibits and programs at the University of Nebraska State Museum.
 The auction raffle runs now through April 24. Each item will be raffled separately, so patrons can enter tickets for specific items desired. Drawings will be held during a reception from 5:30-9 p.m. April 24 at the museum in Morrill Hall. Raffle participants need not be present to win. Admission to the reception is $15.
 Raffle tickets may be purchased at the museum or by telephone or e-mail. Cost is $1 each, or $15 for a sheet of 25 tickets. On the night of the drawing, tickets will cost $1 each or $25 for a sheet of 25. Call 472-6365 for more information or to buy raffle tickets. A partial list of prizes:
 Dinner for two at the Lincoln Country Club with Priscilla Grew, NU State Museum director and professor.
 Ashfall Fossil Beds tour and hands-on excavation for six with Mike Voorhies, paleontology professor.
 Tour of Nebraska Hall with behind-the-scenes look at unique fossils collected, for eight people, presented by Bob Hunt, paleontology professor.
 Archeological expedition through old Lincoln by Peter Bleed, anthropology and geography professor.
 Other items, including five days in a Winter Park, Colo., condo; Haymarket Theater gift certificates; Neal Anderson prints; season passes to the Ross Film Theatre; coffee from The Mill; and more.
 The raffle
 More prizes are being added for the Museum raffle through April. Updated rules and prizes will be posted on the Friends Web site: www.friendsofthemuseum.org.
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Raffle for Museum offers unique prizes