
from the issue of April 22, 2004

Life insurance coverage to increase for some

This e-mail was sent to all faculty and staff on April 14 from the Benefits Office.
 Because of favorable experience in the group term life insurance program, Security Financial Life will increase by 40 percent the amount of coverage over $20,000 that you possessed on Dec. 31, 2003. If you were enrolled in NUFlex Options 3 through 13 (coverage amounts $35,000 to $500,000) on that date, you will receive the increased benefit.
 You do not have to be currently enrolled in Options 3 through 13 to be eligible for this benefit. Changes to the group life insurance plan that were effective Jan. 1, 2004, will not affect this additional term life insurance.
 The benefit is computed by multiplying the amount of coverage possessed on Dec. 31, 2003, that exceeded $20,000 by .40. For example, if you were enrolled in NUFlex Option 4 ($50,000), your additional death benefit would be $12,000, computed as follows:

$50,000 | Total Coverage | - 20,000 | Basic Coverage | ------------- | | $30,000 | Optional Coverage | x .40 | | ------------- | | $12,000 | Additional Death Benefit |
 If you should die while this coverage is in force, your beneficiary would receive $12,000 in addition to the amount of coverage you elected for 2004.
 This additional coverage is in effect from March 1, 2004, through Feb. 28, 2005.
 For more information, call the UNL Campus Benefits Office at 472-2600 or e-mail Benefits@unlnotes.unl.edu.
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Life insurance coverage to increase for some
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