
from the issue of July 15, 2004

Use New NCards After Aug. 2

This e-mail was sent to all faculty and staff July 9 from Jim Main, assistant vice chancellor for fiscal affairs.
 New NCards have been distributed to those faculty and staff who had their NCard photos taken in May. Please continue using your old NCard until Aug. 2 and please make sure to sign the back of your new NCard. The transparent signature panel is below the magnetic stripe and immediately to the left of the sentence that begins, "This card is ...". The NCard Office suggests using a permanent ink pen, such as a fine point Sharpie, for the signature.
 If you did not receive an NCard or have any questions concerning your new NCard, please call the NCard Office at 472-7331.
 Attention: faculty and staff using ncard or key fob for door access. card holders who currently use their old ncard (or electronic key fob) for electronic door access should retain their old ncard or key fob until their new ncard opens all the doors they have been authorized to access. Most, but not all, electronic access will be converted to the new ncard the weekend before Aug. 2. Doors in Architecture Hall, Beadle, Burnett, Nebraska Hall, Neihardt, Mccollum, Varner, Chase and Filley will be converted at a later date, so please continue using your old ncard or key fob until notified by your department that the conversion has been completed.
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Use New NCards After Aug. 2
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