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   from the issue of February 23, 2006

Exhibit to feature Joan Morris textiles

The Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery will showcase the artwork of Joan Morris in the exhibit "Joan Morris, Master Dyer: Individual and Collaborative Work," March 6 to 31.

NET 1 - Created by Joan Morris and Michele Ratte, this piece (titled 'Net 1
 NET 1 - Created by Joan Morris and Michele Ratte, this piece (titled 'Net 1") is a 23-karat gold monoprint on shaped resist silk substrate. Net 1 is included in the Hillestad exhibition.

The exhibit is broken into three seperate views of Morris' work.

The first section features seven pieces of Morris' individual work. Morris uses resist dyeing and printing on silk, wool and rayon to create shibori textiles. Shibori is an ancient textile process, which results in patterns that serve as visual and textural evidence of the shaping process of pleating, stitching, tying or folding cloth before dying.

The second section showcases four pieces of collaborative work done with Michèle Ratté, using a method that the two developed for adhering precious metal coating to surfaces of textile materials in a durable and permanent way. These shimmering textiles were recently featured in the Surface Design Journal.

The third section showcases five costumes Morris has designed for theatrical productions and are on loan from the collection of the theatre department of Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H.

In addition to her independent studio work, Joan Morris is master-dyer for the theatre department at Dartmouth. Her work merges painting, printing, erasing, gilding and shaped-resist dyeing.

Her textiles have been exhibited in many forums nationally and internationally. She teaches shibori workshops nationally and internationally to both adults and children.

In 1997 Morris designed the textiles for a scene in Julie Taymor's "The Lion King". Since then she has fabricated the textiles for its international and road productions.

Morris will present a slide lecture, "The Art of Joan Morris," 7 p.m. March 6 in Room 11 of the Home Economics Building. The Gallery is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Admission is free.



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Exhibit to feature Joan Morris textiles
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