JUNE 8, 2006
| | Position Change - James Griesen will retire as Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs on June 30. Griesen has served in the post since 1986. He will continue to teach at UNL.

Time to try something new
James Griesen is a man people don't mind waiting for.
Top News
Scientists strike gold in cage-like structures
UNL scientists looking to fill gaps in basic understanding about gold's structure at the nanoscale have turned up a full-sized and surprising discovery - hollow cage-like structures made of pure gold atoms.
Rededication scheduled for Hardin Hall
Hardin Hall will be rededicated after months of renovation at a ceremony and open house beginning at 10:30 a.m. June 13.
Other News
Core values meld into campus programs
UNL's core values may not be new. But they're newly articulated.
Quilt center construction begins
Construction of the International Quilt Study Center began officially with a May 12 groundbreaking ceremony.
Colonial revival quilts on display
The quilt exhibition "Perfecting the Past: The Colonial Revival and Quilts" will be on view through Sept. 1 at the Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery. Quilts from the collection of the International Quilt Study Center are on display to show how the Colonial Revival movement (1880-1930) affected pattern, color, and style choices in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Project Fulcrum puts UNL scientists into Lincoln schools
"Give me a long enough lever and a place to stand and I can move the Earth." Archimedes, Greek mathematician (287-212 BC)
Booklet details story behind campus, Lincoln-area stone
Along the north side of the Platte River near Plattsmouth is a pit in the earth called the Gwyer Quarry. It contains a deposit of buff-colored limestone that supplied the rough-textured, irregular stone for Lincoln's old city hall, built in 1874 between Ninth and 10th streets.
Lentz Center hosts Silk Road exhibition
Images from along a centuries-old silk trading route in China are coming to the Lentz Center for Asian Culture and the Great Plains Art Museum.
Other Arts
Repertory opens new season July 6
The Nebraska Repertory Theatre, the professional summer theatre of the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film, has announced its 39th season.
Statewide exhibition explores connection between music, art
The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery's annual statewide exhibition will focus on the link between music and art.
'Prairie Home Companion' premiere June 9 at the Ross
A premiere benefit of "A Prairie Home Companion," the movie is 7 p.m. June 9 at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center.
American Life in Poetry
Gardeners who've fought Creeping Charlie and other unwanted plants may sympathize with James McKean from Iowa as he takes on bindweed, a cousin to the two varieties of morning glory that appear in the poem. It's an endless struggle, and in the end, of course, the bindweed wins.