AUGUST 24, 2006
| | WARMING UP - Three physicists prepare the Diocles laser for a test in the Extreme Light Laboratory in the sub-basement of Behlen Laboratory. The laser will be unveiled to the public Aug. 25.

UNL to unveil world-class laser
For months construction workers and physicists have prepared the sub-basement of Behlen Laboratory for the arrival of a laser so powerful and ultra-fast that it has the potential for reaching the highest intensity ever produced by any laser in the world.
Top News
University maintains top-50 rank
For the third straight year, UNL has made U.S. News and World Report's annual America's Best Colleges rankings' top 50 list for public national universities. The magazine released its 2006 rankings Aug. 17.
Mueller Tower safety issues addressed
Marvin Potter knows Mueller Tower, from top to bottom.
Transportation Center lands $6.25M grant
UNL has been awarded a $6.25 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration. The grant designates UNL's Mid-America Transportation Center as the Region 7 University Transportation Center.
Depth report documentary examines natural disasters
What do two disasters - an Indian Ocean tsunami and a Gulf Coast hurricane - separated by eight months and 12,000 miles have in common and how are they different? What can we learn from them? Will we be better prepared in the future?
School (of Natural Resources) Makeover
The fall semester has opened doors to a new home for the School of Natural Resources.
Other News
NU cites progress in minority, women hires
The University of Nebraska has made progress in the past decade in increasing the number of women on the faculty, according to a report issued by Linda Pratt, interim senior vice president and provost.
Study traces connection between early reading, learning success
Research focus
UNL entities help state business succeed
It started over dinner with friends.
From the Archives
Mueller Tower
'Alice's House' to open at Lentz Center
"Alice's House: Chinese and Japanese Art from the Collection of Alice V. Abel" will open Sept. 9 and will run through Dec. 22 at the Lentz Center for Asian Culture.
Other Arts
Research leads to 'Snail Tails, Broken Dishes, Streaks of Lightning'
The quilt exhibit "Snail Trails, Broken Dishes and a Streak of Lightning: Evidence of Research at IQSC" will be on display at the Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery Sept. 11-29.
Church organist program offered
The School of Music is offering organ lessons through the Church Organist Training Program. This program is designed for anyone whom wants to learn to play the organ.
'Strangers with Candy' continues at the Ross
The Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center is presenting a daring leap backwards as "Strangers with Candy" plays through Aug. 31.
American Life in Poetry
Those of us who have planted trees and shrubs know well that moment when the last spade full of earth is packed around the root ball and patted or stamped into place and we stand back and wish the young plant good fortune. Here the poet Roy Scheele offers us a few well-chosen words we can use the next time.