
from the issue of March 1, 2007

Women's Week activities begin March 2

Women's Week 2007 festivities open March 2 with a lineup of speakers and special exhibitions focused on the theme of "Gender and Popular Culture."
 "Women's Week is an opportunity to celebrate women's accomplishments and acknowledge the struggles that still exist," said Jan Deeds, Student Involvement's Assistant Director for Gender Programs, and director of the Women's Center.
 "This year's theme is gender and popular culture, and we want people to reflect on the messages they're getting about gender from the pop culture and challenge them."
 Ongoing activities include an exhibition of works by women artists at East Union, entertainment trivia about women in science at a Nebraska Union booth, and a display about women in Husker history in the Nebraska Union Rotunda Gallery.
 "Reconstructed" Barbie dolls will be displayed in "In Our Own Image," an exhibition in the Nebraska Union alcove. The dolls will also be available in a silent auction at the March 8 Women's History Month banquet.
 Events are co-sponsored by a number of campus organizations, including the Women's Center, ASUN, Student Involvement, the UNL Athletic Department, the Women's and Gender Studies Program and the UNL Queer Student Alliance, among others.
 For more information, go online to http://si.unl.edu/womens_center.
 Following is a brief list of events.
 Monday, March 5
 Carole Levin: "Saints, Witches and Madwomen, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nebraska Union
 Buddy Wakefield, "Run on Anything: A Poetic Commentary on 21st Century Culture," 8 p.m. Nebraska Union Ballroom
 Lily Tomlin, 7:30 p.m. Lied Center for Performing Arts; Post-performance reception with Tomlin

Tuesday, March 6
 "From Ellen to the L Word: Images of Lesbians in Popular Culture," 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nebraska Union, room posted
 Meredith Bacon, "Creating a safer climate for transgender students and colleagues," 3:30 p.m. Nebraska Union, room posted
 Meredith Bacon, "Transgender Images in Popular Culture," 7 p.m. Nebraska Union Auditorium
 "Shakespeare's Twisted Sister" Concert, 8 p.m. Chatterbox, 815 O St.

Wednesday, March 7
 "Fight Club: Popular Violence and Postmodern Manhood," 2 p.m. Nebraska Union, room posted
 "Women in Politics," featuring Danielle Nantkes, Nebraska State Senator, 6:30 p.m. Nebraska Union

Thursday, March 8 "We Can Play Too," a panel of current and former female student athletes, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nebraska Union Rotunda Gallery
 Women's History Month Banquet, 6 p.m. Nebraska Union Ballroom; keynote speaker, Amy Struthers, College of Journalism and Mass Communications

Friday, March 9
 Harriet McLeod, Textile Clothing and Design: "Embracing All Shades: Brown Skin Is In Too!" noon to 1 p.m., Nebraska Union, room 338
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Women's Week activities begin March 2