'Blizzard Voices' on national top 10 list "The Blizzard Voices," a collection of poetry by Ted Kooser recording the devastation unleashed on the Great Plains by the blizzard of Jan. 12, 1888, is included in the 2007 Book Sense Poetry Top 10. The list is compiled by independent booksellers in the United States and publicized by Book Sense, a national organization working on behalf of independent American bookstores. The list will be featured at affiliated retailers for inclusion in "April is National Poetry Month" displays. "The Blizzard Voices" was published as a Bison Books edition in 2006 by the University of Nebraska Press. The book is based on actual reports of blizzard survivors. Kooser, former U.S. poet laureate and winner of the 2005 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry, is a professor of English at UNL. For more information on "The Blizzard Voices" go online to www.nebraskapress.unl.edu.