
from the issue of April 19, 2007

Revenue slated for new garage

Parking prices are on the rise

Prices for parking permits will begin going up to raise revenue for a new 1,200-spot parking structure east of Abel-Sandoz residence halls.
 In a four-year plan approved by the Parking Advisory Committee April 9, $36 annually will be added to the cost of each individual parking permits issued for fiscal year 2007-08 to fund the construction. The new parking garage will replace 1,200 parking spots lost from Antelope Valley redevelopment and other campus improvements over the next four years.
 In addition, the plan allows for increases of $36 in both 2008-09 and 2009-10, with another $12 possible for 2010-11.
 Dan Carpenter, director of University Parking Services, said the plan would collect an estimated 75 percent of the parking garage construction costs. The garage construction is slated to begin in 2010, with completion and campus use in 2011.
 "This increase is the university planning ahead for the future losses of parking," Carpenter said. "We are raising prices incrementally prior to construction to have a down payment. This way, we won't have to bond as much and the permit increase won't jump all at once."
 In the next four years, City Campus will lose 860 parking spaces due to construction of the Antelope Valley project, the Multicultural Center and a possible recreation field placement at 14th and W streets.
 The Antelope Valley project, a $240 million joint effort between UNL, the City of Lincoln and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, will cause the largest disruption to campus parking, accounting for the permanent loss of 598 spaces and the temporary loss of 480 spaces.
 In 2007-08, Antelope Valley construction of the east leg of the Big X (the elevated overpass northeast of Harper-Schramm-Smith) will temporarily displace parking in the Court Street (immediately south of the Devaney Sports Center) and Stormies (northwest of 17th and Holdrege streets) lots.
 Carpenter said, when construction of the east leg is completed in 2010, the university would regain 450 of the 488 spaces in the two lots.
 The extension of the south leg of the Big X will also eliminate 57 additional spaces around Abel-Sandoz in 2008. Lots affected include the Abel-Sandoz parking area (45 spots) and a 12-space lot for the G.E. Building, immediately north of Abel.
 Also in 2008, the construction of a new Multicultural Center east of the Nebraska Union will eliminate an estimated 54 spots. The construction start date on the project is tentative.
 Carpenter also said a loss of 228 spots could come in the next four years as a new recreation field is planned for the parking lot at 14th and W streets. The recreation field will replace facilities Campus Recreation loses with the construction of the parking garage by Abel-Sandoz.
 To ease the immediate impacts of the loss, the university has retained the use of the New Hampshire Street perimeter parking lot, located west of 14th and New Hampshire streets. The lot will be turned over to the City of Lincoln (an agreement made as part of the Antelope Valley project) in 2011.
 "The immediate impact is to those with perimeter permits," Carpenter said. "We are going to try and accommodate people as much as possible. We will look at utilizing anything we find that is appropriate for surface parking. But, there just isn't that much available."
 In fiscal year 2008-09, as the Antelope Valley Big X continues east of Abel-Sandoz and the Beadle Center, the project will eliminate an additional 230 spots. Lots effected and the number of spots include: Beadle Center Visitor, 10 spots; Beadle Center, 112; the lot east of 19th and Q streets, 8; 19th and R Southwest, 18; and 19th and Q, 82.
 In 2009-10, UNL will regain control of the 450 parking spaces lost for construction of the east leg of the Big X. Also that year, UNL will turn use of the New Hampshire lot over to the City of Lincoln.
 Breaking down the permit price increase, Carpenter said each permit sold in fiscal years 2007-08 to 2009-10 would provide $24 toward the garage and $12 for inflation increases. The extra $12 proposed for 2010-11 is an inflation adjustment only.
 The university has been compensated for parking losses related to the Antelope Valley project. Carpenter said those funds were collected at the start of the project and allowed the university to pay for "60 to 70 percent" of the 14th and Avery street parking garage first phase.
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Parking prices are on the rise
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