
from the issue of September 27, 2007

From the Archives

Nebraska Builders
 Students and their friends pose for a photo used in an advertisement printed in an August 1968 newspaper special section for the Nebraska Builders.
 The ad - for the drive-in restaurant Chubbyville, formerly located north of 27th and Vine streets - includes (from left) Liz Aiken, Paul Johnson, Linda Sutton, Karl Quinten (Husker defensive end), Sid Logeman, an unnamed Chubbyville waitress, Houston Doan, Gail Skinner (homecoming queen), Lennie Burgher (Husker trackster), David Hemphill, Mona Rhynalds, Suzie Jenkins, Susie Kunc and Joe Orduna (Husker halfback).
 The Nebraska Builders was a student organization formed at NU in the early 1940s as the Student Foundation. Their goal was "to serve as a medium for the promotion of good toward the university on part of the public; to promote school spirit among the student body; to relieve the strain of the limited financial budgets; and to maintain the present high status of the university, while at the same time, fostering greater progress by it in the field of education."
 University students served as the Builders' executive board and its six committees. The Builders offered programs designed to promote the university and provided activities for the student body. The organization published the "Buzz Book," a guide to campus life.
 The Builders also published the "First Glance," which was aimed at high school seniors, providing information about campus life, student organization and a list of frequently asked questions.
 The Builders also had a committee called the Redcoats, who organized tours of City and East campuses for new students and alumni.

 "From the Archives" is a regular Scarlet feature. Image provided by University Archives. Submit items to tfedderson2@unl.edu or 472-8515.
From the Archives