
from the issue of February 28, 2008

Tips on reacting to violence added to emergency Web page

UNL's emergency Web site has been updated with tips on preparing for and reacting to immediate threats of violence, according to Christine Jackson, vice chancellor for business and finance.
 A common question from administrators, faculty and staff - based on feedback being received from parents, students and others following the most recent violence on Northern Illinois University's campus - is what to do in the event of a shooting scenario.
 Jackson said the site, http://emergency.unl.edu, has been updated with University Police tips on how to respond in the unlikely event that someone begins shooting at you. These tips are linked from the top link, "What to do in a violent/threatening situation."
 "Violent incidents happening recently on campuses across the country require that our campus be aware of how to react to a dangerous situation should it occur," Jackson said. "These kinds of situations are always unpredictable and generally are short in duration. It is critical that individuals take immediate measures to protect themselves and to alert others to the situation."
 The tips on the site outline how to evacuate and/or find cover, when to call police, reminders to run from the scene if you can and warn others of possible harm, and how to hide if someone is attempting to harm you with a weapon.
 Jackson asked everyone in the campus community to read the tips and think about how they would respond in a shooting event, and to bring the tips to the attention of others, including students and parents. She recommended bookmarking the Web site for easy future referencing.
 She also reminded faculty and staff that firearms and other dangerous weapons are forbidden on UNL property and that if anyone at any time becomes aware of a dangerous weapon on campus, they should call UNL Police immediately at 472-2222. Adding UNL Police into your cell phone contacts list is another tip.

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Tips on reacting to violence added to emergency Web page