
from the issue of March 6, 2008

iTunes U launches UNL portal

Users of iTunes now have access to a new artist. It's UNL.
 UNL was added March 3 to iTunes U, a section of the popular video/audio download site, with featured podcasts including E.N. Thompson Forum lectures, Real Nebraska Admissions videos, Market Journal programs and dozens of other audio and video feeds from campus.
 The addition of UNL to the iTunes U site opens to a national and international audience a portal for accessing UNL programs that will show thousands of computer and iPod users what UNL has to offer.
 Now that's outreach.
 University Communications coordinated content for inclusion on the iTunes U site and obtained permission and feedback from Apple and iTunes to become the 38th university added to the iTunes U list. Along with MIT, Stanford, Yale, the University of Arizona, Duke and other colleges and universities, iTunes U offers feeds of lectures, classroom activities, performances, promotional video features, news and other information and entertainment.
 iTunes, an Apple product, is a store, a player and a way to get free and purchased music, video, audiobooks, lectures and other materials to see and hear on a computer, iPod, iPhone or AppleTV. Most iPod owners use iTunes to manage and purchase music and podcasts like talk programs, but it's becoming increasingly popular for video downloads. Users can watch or listen on their computers or on their portable digital players. To use iTunes, users Simply install the software, which comes with many Apple products and is available for download at www.apple.com/itunes/download/. The iTunes U section is accessed in the links on the iTunes U Store site.
 The addition of the iTunes U channel gives UNL communications a gathering point for delivering digital content that exists already on sites throughout campus, from NET, IANR, colleges and departments, including promotional pieces, individual faculty lectures and other presentations that are of interest to a national and international audience.
 In addition to iTunes U, more emphasis and interest is visible campuswide in digital Web-based media delivery, to enhance the classroom experience and engage visitors to UNL in cyberspace. Digital delivery on the Web is the new frontier in communications and offers numerous ways to deliver UNL's education and information quickly and easily for any who are interested.

Big Red podcasts
 UNL content on iTunes U includes Real Nebraska, the Nebraska Ag Almanac, Food Science and Technology, Campus Spotlight, E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues, This is Nebraska and Pesticide Safety Education.

Podcast 101: Lights, camera, action If you're new to podcasting or digital media gathering and don't know where to start, you're not alone. If you want to hire it out, Instructional Design Center can help record lectures and get digital media streamed (live) or posted. Contact them at 472-2258. On East Campus or in UNL Extension, check with CIT at 472-2821 and CIT Electronic Media, 472-3035. Another resource is the New Media Center, 472-0600.
 Many colleges, departments and units are beginning to become equipped to go it alone. Check with your communications office.
 If you're handy and want to try some things yourself, here are some suggestions:
 Camera: Digital
 Contact Broadcast Services at 472-8520 or CIT to borrow one. The new Mac Operating System Leopard has an automated setup that streamlines the process from a laptop.
 Broadcast basics: Visit Web Developer Network and go to www1.unl.edu/wdn/wiki/Podcasting.
 Editing: iMovie recommended.
 Formatting/compression: 640 x 480 pixels recommended. Check the WDN wiki listed above for more technical specifications. To set up a feed to iTunes U, call Brett Bieber, 472-1598, or on East Campus, Mark Hendricks, 472-4280. To offer existing media to iTunes U, call Vi Schroeder, University Communications, at 472-3543
 Training, tips and tricks: University Communications' annual "Think Tank" communications workshop June 5 will offer a session on podcasting. Call 472-0088 for information. Check with CIT for training and workshops at 472-2821
 Podcast on podcasting: Podcast UNL starts production this week, check with Hendricks for details and delivery date.
 For general questions about getting lectures, workshops or performances for iTunes U: Call Schroeder at 472-3543.

iTunes U launches UNL portal
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