
from the issue of April 24, 2008

University will continue to host AAU Data Exchange

UNL will continue serving as host institution for the Association of American Universities Data Exchange through June 2012.
 Rebecca Carr, senior analyst in Academic Affairs, will continue as national coordinator of the organization. In addition, the organization held its annual meeting in Lincoln on April 21-23.
 The AAU is an organization of 62 research universities such as UNL, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Texas, Michigan and Stanford. The AAU Data Exchange is a consortium of the institutional research officers of these institutions. Its primary purpose is to collect, exchange and report information useful in the management and planning of the institutions.
 The data collected and stored in the data exchange is primarily information reported to other agencies such as the National Center for Education Statistics and organizations such as the National Science Foundation and the American Association of University Professors. It also includes standard metrics such as retention and graduation rates. This information is collected in a data warehouse at MIT and is for the exclusive use of the exchange members.
 By collaborating, AAUDE member institutions enjoy much shorter turn-around times, more flexibility in using the information, avoiding duplication of similar data, and providing much larger data samples that can be useful to members. As a member, UNL benefits by earning recognition for good service, and is able to use the data to inform institutional decisions.
 UNL was first named the host institution in July 1, 2004. In October 2007, UNL submitted a proposal to continue serving as host AAUDE. The selection committee and the AAUDE governing council were enthusiastic about continuing at UNL.
 The role of AAUDE on the national stage has expanded in the past few years. AAUDE members played a key role in reviewing and critiquing the Assessment of Research Doctorate Programs conducted by the National Research Council.
 In addition, because of the increased attention to accountability in higher education, the AAU established an Institutional Data Committee that recommended that all AAU institutions collect and report data on undergraduate retention and completion rates (corrected for student transfers), undergraduate time-to-degree, cost calculators, and post-graduation outcomes.
 The committee included AAUDE members and the organization will be key to the successful implementation of these recommendations.

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University will continue to host AAU Data Exchange