
from the issue of May 1, 2008

Fell donates cartoons to Archives

The Friends of the Libraries will celebrate the donation of the "Paul Fell Cartoon Collection" to the University Archives and Special Collections at a 5 p.m. May 8 reception. The event, which is free and open to the public, will be in Love Library, room 29.
 Fell's editorial cartoons appeared daily in the Lincoln Journal from 1984 to 1992. From 1995 to 2007, he was contracted to draw three editorial cartoons a week on state and local issues for the Journal Star. In 2005, Artizans Syndicate began distributing Fell's cartoons to newspapers throughout North America, and worldwide, through Artizans.com.
 The collection contains editorial cartoons that appeared in Lincoln newspapers as well as the Omaha Sun and Hastings Tribune. The collection also contains illustrations Fell provided to local, state and national organizations, businesses, Huskers Illustrated, sketch books and papers, and comic strips Mulch and Cleo.
 At the May 8 event, Fell will talk about the collection, and Richard Graham, University Libraries digital media librarian, will talk about the developing visual arts/graphic arts collection at UNL.
 Fell said he had been thinking for some time about where to leave his drawings and work.
 "I met Richie Graham at a symposium at the Sheldon during the Chris Ware exhibit. He approached me about starting a collection in the UNL Libraries of Nebraska cartoonists," Fell said.
 The "Paul Fell Cartoon Collection" is the start of an expanded special collection of graphic novels, cartoons, comics and papers created by UNL or Nebraska-related artists. The growing collection already contains materials by local artist Scott Stewart, including his "Comix Trip" which includes a single-panel cartoon created by Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Ted Kooser; signed and limited edition graphic novels from the personal collection of Dan Howard, UNL professor emeritus of art hi; and S. Clay Wilson, a UNL graduate and a noted figure in the world of underground comics.
 According to Graham, there is a great deal of research potential in the collections.
 "Researchers looking through Fell's editorial cartoons will discover the prevalent themes and issues of contemporary life," Graham said. "Though they are snapshots in time of local and world culture and politics, the scope of the collections shows that many of today's issues were also yesterday's."
 For more information, call 472-2531.

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