
from the issue of June 12, 2008

Nebraskans headline summer writers conference

The 2008 Nebraska Summer Writers' Conference at UNL is June 14-20 on City Campus.
 Since 2003, UNL's creative writing program has hosted the conference, a seven-day event with intensive writing workshops and master classes, panel discussions, readings and receptions. Workshops require registration, but a number of panel discussions and readings are open to the public.
 This year's events will feature accomplished local and national writers, including mystery novelist Harley Jane Kozak, Kurt Andersen (author of the New York Times bestseller "Heyday," and host of the radio show "Studio 360") and memoirist Michael Rips ("The Face of a Naked Lady: An Omaha Family Mystery") - all native Nebraskans. Other guest teachers include:
 Kim Addonizio, National Book Award finalist for "Tell Me," a poetry collection
 Kelly Braffet, author of the novels "Josie and Jack" and "Last Seen Leaving"
 Brock Clarke, author of "An Arsonist's Guide to Writers' Homes in New England"
 Meghan Daum, Los Angeles Times columnist and author of "The Quality of Life Report" and "My Misspent Youth"
 Anthony Hawley, author of "Autobiography/Oughtabiography"
 Jesse Lee Kercheval, winner of the Prairie Schooner Book Prize
 Owen King, author of the short-story collection "We're All in This Together"
 Aaron Raz Link, memoirist, Nebraska native and author of "What Becomes You"
 Hilda Raz, author of the poetry collections "Trans" and "All Odd and Splendid," and editor of Prairie Schooner
 Curtis Sittenfeld, author of New York Times bestseller "Prep"
 Sean Wilsey, editor-at-large for McSweeney's and author of "Oh the Glory of It All"
 The conference will host discussions with publishing industry professionals from New York City, including publicist Lauren Cerand and agents Jessica Regel and Renee Zuckerbrot.
 For more information, go to http://nebraskawriters.unl.edu.

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