Posts Tagged ‘ Captive Arizona ’

Smith to read, sign copies of new book

Apr 22nd, 2010 | By | Category: April 22, 2010, Employee News, Uncategorized

Victoria Smith, associate professor of history, will read from and sign copies of her newest book, “Captive Arizona, 1851-1900,” starting at 7 p.m., April 28 at the University Bookstore. “Captive Arizona,” published by the University of Nebraska Press, tells the story of kidnapping endemic in Arizona from the end of the Mexican-American War through statehood […]

Recently Published

Oct 14th, 2009 | By | Category: Arts & Entertainment, Issue, October 15, 2009

Captive Arizona, 1851-1900 By Victoria Smith, associate professor of history and Native American studies Published by University of Nebraska Press, 294 pages Captivity was endemic in Arizona from the end of the Mexican-American War through statehood in 1912. The practice crossed cultures – Native Americans, Mexican Americans and whites kidnapped and held each other captive. […]