Posts Tagged ‘ Kevin Smith ’

UNL in the News

Feb 25th, 2010 | By | Category: Campus News, February 25, 2010, Issue

National media outlets featured and cited UNL sources on a number of topics in February. Individuals featured and links to the stories include: Martin Centurion, physics, had his research on photon energy featured by The Associated Press on Feb. 1. The story circulated nationally and appeared in dozens of media outlets nationwide, including USA Today, […]

Left, Right; Obama, McCain: It may not be what you think

Sep 18th, 2008 | By | Category: July 17, 2008, Research, September 18, 2008

Why does it seem many people begin with political preferences and then try to find reasons justifying their inclinations? Why is it so difficult to sway people who care deeply about politics no matter how compelling the facts or persuasive the prose? University of Nebraska-Lincoln research may help to answer these questions. By monitoring people’s […]