
from the issue of February 5, 2004

UNL is new site for AAU Data Exchange

UNL has been selected as host institution for the Association of American Universities Data Exchange. Rebecca Carr, senior analyst in Academic Affairs, will be the next coordinator.
 The AAU is an organization of 62 research universities such as UNL, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Texas, Michigan and Stanford. The AAU Data Exchange is a consortium of these institutions and representatives. Its primary purpose is to collect, exchange and report information useful in the management and planning of the institutions. The data collected and stored in the data exchange is primarily information reported to other agencies such as the National Center for Education Statistics and organizations such as the National Science Foundation, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System and American Association of University Professors. It also includes standard metrics such as retention and graduation rates. This information is collected in a data warehouse at MIT.
 AAUDE data, data definitions and reporting standards are for the exclusive use of the exchange members.
 Institutional representatives in AAUDE collaborate on information needs ranging from common to highly complicated. It is a wonderfully collegial organization where the main objective is the acquisition and sharing of quality information to help institutional decision makers and advance the mission of the academy, said William Nunez, director of Institutional Research and Planning. Nunez said the benefits of the AAUDE include much shorter turn-around times, more flexibility in using the information, avoiding duplication of similar data, and providing much larger data samples that can be useful to members.
 In October 2003, UNL submitted a proposal to host AAUDE and was narrowed to the top three in December. Members of the AAUDE selection committee visited UNL in mid-December to meet the chancellor, Nunez and Carr and several on-campus contacts. In January, the selection committee and AAUDE council chose UNL as the host site.
 The selection of UNL as the lead university demonstrates the high regard in which our institutional research and planning department is held by colleagues across the nation, said Chancellor Harvey Perlman.
 AAUDE transitions to UNL on July 1. The term is for three years but, by mutual agreement, could be renewed for an additional three years.
 We are developing a Memorandum of Understanding and Memorandum of Transition to formally shift AAUDE responsibilities and duties to UNL and IRP, Nunez said.
 He said the benefits to UNL of selection as the AAUDE include recognition and opportunities to leverage resources from AAUDE to support institutional decision-making.
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UNL is new site for AAU Data Exchange
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