
from the issue of February 12, 2004

Museums to present Dinosaur Detectives

The University of Nebraska State Museum at UNL and the Lincoln Childrens Museum will collaborate Feb. 21 on a family science program titled Dinosaur Detectives.
 The program will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Lincoln Childrens Museum, 1420 P St., and will provide kids with hands-on activities so they can act as junior paleontologists and learn what dinosaurs are really about. Kids of all ages can move through stations that investigate dinosaurs. UNL faculty and graduate students will help explain whats involved in the stations.
 In addition, kids can sift through sand at a dig site to find actual fossils, which they can identify. Then they will receive a Dinosaur Passport at the last Dinosaur Detective station.
 The kids will be able to come to the University of Nebraska State Museum that day or at a later date with their families and see their fossil on display with the museums other fossils, said Neale Monks, a visiting paleontologist at the NU State Museum.
 When children bring their passports to the NU State Museum in Morrill Hall, they can answer questions on the passport by closely examining the museums exhibits. A stamp of completion will allow the participants to graduate to official dinosaur detective status.
 Monks designed the Dinosaur Detective program, adapting it from similar programs offered at the Natural History Museum in London, his home institution, and from existing programs at the NU State Museum.
 We want kids to have a fun experience and learn interesting things about dinosaurs, like why triceratops has horns, but we really want to follow the lead of the child, Monks said.
 This is the first collaboration between the two museums. Joel McCleary, education director for the Lincoln Childrens Museum, said the Dinosaur Detective program is a good example of how the museums can work together to educate through their respective informal learning centers.
 Dr. Monks is a really fun scientist who truly enjoys working with children, McCleary said. He helps by bringing his scientific expertise from his position in London to our engaging Dinosaur Detectives day on Feb. 21.
 Admission to the Lincoln Childrens Museum is $5 for adults and children over the age of 2. Admission to the NU State Museum is $4 for adults, $2 for children and $8 for families.
 For more information, call Kathleen French at 472-6647 or e-mail kfrench2@unl.edu.
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Museums to present ‘Dinosaur Detectives’
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