| | Christine Stewart-Nunez and Eric Turley in her office in Andrews Hall. Ritchie received the University of Nebraska systemwide Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award for 2004. Photo by Brett Hampton.

Ritchie brings theories to life in the classroom
The interplay between teaching theory and hands-on education in the classroom is a prime area of interest and practice for Joy Ritchie, professor of English and director of the womens studies program at UNL.
Top News
Artist to install steel tree in garden
A new species will join the trees planted east of Love Library.
Burnett heating test doesn’t save money
A winter experiment using electricity to heat university buildings proved that theories dont always work in reality.
Other News
Rover engineer to speak at Astronomy Day event
The University of Nebraska State Museum will host Astronomy Day 2004 on April 18. With activities at three venues, the event will include fun educational physics and astronomy activities, a presentation by a Mars Rover engineer, and a glimpse at the stars.
Unique plants can be found at Spring Affair
The 18th annual Spring Affair plant sale will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 24 in the Lancaster Building at Lincolns State Fair Park. Admission to the sale is free.
Nature of Lewis, Clark is focus of symposium
UNLs Center for Great Plains Studies will present its 28th annual interdisciplinary symposium June 3-5 at the Lied Lodge and Conference Center in Nebraska City. The conference, The Nature of Lewis and Clark on the Great Plains, will recognize the naturalist work of the expedition.
Insect conference is April 16-17 in Lincoln
For 79 years, professional and amateur insect enthusiasts from the Great Plains have gathered for an annual conference. Chartered as the Kansas Entomological Society, the group now known as the Central States Entomological Society will convene its 80th annual conference April 16 and 17 in Lincoln.
New Web site answers ag, food questions
A new Web-based feature from the University of Nebraska gives the public a way to ask university experts questions about agricultural and food marketing issues while linking researchers with the outside world.
Volunteer creates 3D images of Mars
Because of the work by a volunteer at the Ralph Mueller Planetarium, visitors there can view processed 3D photographs of Mars from the Exploration Rovers.
Visit by Australian scholar to address autobiographies
Australian anthropologist Timothy Rowse, visiting professor and holder of the Australia chair at Harvard University, will lecture April 13 on Indigenous Autobiography in Australia and the U.S.A.
Grease is still the word, long after the 1950s
Turn back the hands of time to 1959 as the musical Grease slides into town in a new production at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. Grease will take the stage at 7:30 p.m. April 16, 2 and 7:30 p.m. April 17, and 2 and 7 p.m. April 18.
Other Arts
Frontier quilts now on display
The legacy of frontier quiltmakers is celebrated in Patchwork Lives, a quilt exhibition assembled from the collections of the International Quilt Study Center and the Nebraska State Historical Society. The exhibition will run now through April 2006 at the Museum of Nebraska History at 15th and P streets.
Third thesis exhibition opens April 19
The MFA Thesis Exhibition III will be presented April 19-28 at the Eisentrager-Howard Gallery in Richards Hall. The exhibition will include the work of Ian Anderson, ceramics; Kate Bingaman, design; Roxanne Jackson, ceramics; and David Bogus, ceramics. An opening reception will be from 6-8 p.m. April 23.
Students to read published poetry
The Phantom issue of the Laurus comes alive April 13 when students read their published works at 7 p.m. in the Cafe of Love Library, first floor, Periodical Room.
West will read works April 14
Author Kathleene West will read from her latest book, The Summer of the Sub-Comandante, at 7:30 p.m. April 14 in the Dudley Bailey Library, 229 Andrews Hall.