
from the issue of April 15, 2004

Artwork combines weavings of old with modern technology

The Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery will showcase textiles that integrate 19th century weaving technology and the technology of today in Intersecting Traditions: Recent Textiles by Cynthia Schira from April 19 through May 21.

| | Prologue, 2003 by Cynthia Schira.

| In 1804 in France, Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a system of punched cards to create complex designs for figured fabrics. Schiras weavings integrate this technology of the Jacquard loom and its modern counterpart, the computer.
 The exhibition opens with a lecture April 18 by Glen R. Brown, associate professor of art history at Kansas State University, titled Montage, Fiber Art, and the Works of Cynthia Schira. The lecture begins at 1 p.m. in Room 11 of the Home Economics Building on East Campus. After the lecture, a reception with the artist will be held on the second floor of the Home Economics Building, adjacent to the Hillestad Gallery. Both events are free.
 Schira came to Lincoln in November to work on the digital textile printer that is part of the International Textile Works in UNLs Textiles, Clothing and Design Department. Three of the prints she produced are included in the exhibition.
 Schira is professor emerita at University of Kansas, where she taught from 1976 to 1999. She was awarded two National Endowment for the Arts Craftsmans Fellowships, in 1974 and 1983. In 2000 she received the Gold Medal from the College of Fellows of the American Craft Council, in recognition of her lifetime of achievement.
 The Hillestad Gallery is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday. For more information, call 472-2911 or visit the gallerys Web site, http://textilegallery.unl.edu. Admission is free.
Artwork combines weavings of old with modern technology
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