
from the issue of August 19, 2004

$5 million gift to benefit UNL

$5 million gift to benefit UNL
 An endowment of approximately $5 million from University of Nebraska alumnus Harold Lieding will be established as part of an agreement between the University of Nebraska Board of Regents and the Lieding estate.
 Harold Lieding, a 1962 graduate of the University of Nebraska, died Nov. 13, 2003, and left the funds to UNL in his will. Lieding designated that an endowment in his memory be named in honor of his deceased son, Christian Wilhelm Lieding. The board of regents' approval was needed because the bequest was directed to the university rather than the University of Nebraska Foundation.
 After earning his bachelor's degree, Lieding became a pilot for the Navy and later a commercial pilot for TWA, according to his brother Mel. Harold earned his juris doctor from George Washington University, establishing a law practice and later overseeing corporate boards. Lieding was a former chairman of the board of Heritage Bancorp, which was acquired by Cardinal Bank in 2000. He had served on the board of directors for Cardinal until his death.
 Mel Lieding said Christian, Harold's son, died at age 11 from leukemia.
Kooser is 1st Poet Laureate from Plains
Partnership builds math education
Residence Hall, Selleck dining open this fall
$5 million gift to benefit UNL
A Piece of University History
External funding at UNL hits $91.5 million
Fund supports undergraduate horticulture research
Garage expands parking options
Other changes to campus this year
Poverty exercise sparks solutions
President Milliken Travels West
Tunnel Walk is new tradition at Big Red Welcome