
from the issue of August 26, 2004

Experts take part in Speakers Bureau

The UNL Speakers Bureau begins its 10th year this fall with 18 speakers and 40 topics from which to choose. This free service connects faculty and other university experts with Nebraska citizens through service organizations, schools and other groups who want knowledgeable, interesting speakers on a variety of topics.
 The Speakers Bureau begins Sept. 8, with some speakers available year-round and others during the academic year only.
 The 2004-2005 members of the Speakers Bureau and their topics are:
 Charlyne Berens, associate professor, College of Journalism and Communications, "The Nebraska Legislature: Still Progressive After All These Years," "Free Speech for Me - and Also for Thee" and "The Media Today."
 Patrice Berger, professor of history and director of the University Honors Program, "Europe: 2003," "Europe: 1939" and "University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the 21st Century."
 Donald F. Costello, senior lecturer, computer science and engineering, "Information Technology - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," "In an Age of Just-in-time Teaching and Learning, What Is Worth Knowing?" and "The University and the Business Community Together in the Development of Information Technology for Nebraska."
 Robert F. Diffendal Jr., professor emeritus, Conservation and Survey Division, "Lewis and Clark: The Geology of the Great Plains 1804-1806" and "Some Changes in China: 1970-2004."
 Dennis Leblanc, associate athletic director, academic and student services, "National Classroom Champions."
 Peter Levitov, associate dean, UNL International Affairs, and immigration attorney, NU Central Administration, "International Students in the United States."
 Karen S. Miller, registered dietitian and nutrition educator, University Health Center and Campus Recreation Center, "Childhood Obesity: What's a Parent to Do?" "Fad Diet Myths and Facts: If it Sounds Too Good to be True, It Probably Is" and "Diet or Dying to be Thin: What Everyone Needs to Know about Eating Disorders."
 Giacomo M. Oliva, dean, Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, "American Ragtime and the Music Business in the Early 20th Century."
 Wes Peterson, professor, agricultural economics, "Hunger and Economic Development in Low-Income Countries," "Globalization and the World Trade Organization" and "Building Democracy in the Former Yugoslavia."
 Thomas O. Powers, associate professor, plant pathology, "DNA Diagnostics" and "Biological Invaders."
 Paul E. Read, professor, horticulture and viticulture, "Grape Expectations: Nebraska's Developing Grape and Wine Industry" and "Gardens of the World."
 Joy S. Ritchie, professor of English and director of Women's Studies, "Intellectual Habits of Highly Successful Students: Learning to Transgress," "Women and Equality: Are We There Yet?" and "Wagging Tongues and Silent Scribblers: The Flowering of Women Writers and Speakers."
 Larry Routh, director, Career Services, "Recruiting Today's Graduates."
 John Rupnow, professor of food science and technology, "History and Agents of Agroterrorism" and "Gourmet or Guru: The Science of Food."
 Richard Sincovec, Henson professor and chair, computer science and engineering, "High Impact Computing: The Excitement and the Opportunities" and "Computing and Informatics: The Future Impact."
 Sandra K. Stockall, 4-H and youth specialist, West Central Research and Extension Center, "Did Your Grandma Teach You That?" and "People Skills for Leaders."
 Col. Robert R. Tovado, commander, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, "Should We Defend America?"
 Dara Troutman, assistant general manager, communications and government affairs, NET, University of Nebraska Television, "Nifty at 50" and "The ABCs of DTV."
 For more information
 To receive a brochure that fully describes each speaker's topics or to book a speaker, call Barbara Bowers in the Office of University Communications at 472-8396; by e-mail at speakers2@unl.edu or through the Web at www.speakersbureau.unl.edu.
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