
from the issue of September 2, 2004

A Piece of University History

As the university prepares for the annual State of the University address and the Service Awards, today we focus on Chancellor Samuel Avery, who was the University of Nebraska's longest-serving chancellor. Avery was chancellor from 1909 to 1927.
 Avery's life at NU began when he was a student in chemistry; he received his degree in 1892 and a master's degree here in 1894. He earned a doctorate from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and joined the NU faculty in 1895. He was a professor of agricultural chemistry and chemist at the Nebraska Agricultural Experience Station before becoming chancellor.
 As chancellor, Avery led during a time of growth for the state's university. He established the colleges of Business Administration, Dentistry and Pharmacy, and the School of Fine Art and the School of Journalism. He changed the Industrial College to the colleges of Agriculture and Engineering. One book about Avery says he "calmly and patiently smoothed out difficulties and impartially apportioned the means at hand." Another source says Avery dutifully read Chemical Abstracts each week as chancellor to keep up with his field.
 In 1935, Avery received an Honorary Degree, Doctor of Laws, from NU. He died in 1936.
 In this weekly feature, the Scarlet takes a look back at a moment of UNL's past through a historical photo, story or short trivia item.
 Information for "A Piece of University History" is provided by the University Archives and Special Collections, University Libraries. For more information or to suggest a historical topic for this feature, call 472-8515.
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