
from the issue of October 7, 2004

A Piece of University History

| | Corn Cob Man, the Nebraska Cornhuskers' mascot before Herbie Husker came along, cheers at a home football game.

| We're all probably accustomed to seeing the new Herbie Husker mascot on the sidelines at Husker sporting events. But before Herbie and his newer friend, Lil' Red, came along, the Cornhuskers were cheered by a mascot called Corn Cob Man, pictured at left. The simple costume consisted of a jumpsuit over the body and the corn cob "head" that sat on the shoulders. This mascot cheered at football games beginning in the late '50s until Herbie entered the scene in 1974.
 Next week: With the presidential election quickly approaching, we'll feature a photo and information about one sitting president who visited UNL.

 In this weekly feature, the Scarlet takes a look back at a moment of UNL's past through a historical photo, story or short trivia item.
 Information for "A Piece of University History" is provided by the University Archives and Special Collections, University Libraries. For more information or to suggest a historical topic for this feature, call 472-8515.
Kooser to read tonight at Library of Congress
Faculty success stories abound at UNL - CAREER grant allows study of thunderstorms
Faculty success stories abound at UNL - Computer scientists work to create more reliable software
University Studies marks 30 years
A Piece of University History
Editor to give Thompson Forum address Oct. 12