| | Husker Village, UNL's second apartment-style residence hall, stands ready for students. Pictured behind Husker Village at left is Smith Hall. Photo by Troy Fedderson/University Communications.

Students roll back to campus
Residence hall improvements and the Antelope Valley project combined for a definite focus to summer construction on UNL's two campuses.
Top News
UNL takes lead in Antarctica drilling project
A $12.9 million grant will be sending UNL researchers and students south for the winter.
CBA chair selected for beltway post
After helping re-develop economies of former communist countries, UNL economist John Anderson will provide his expertise within the beltway of Washington, D.C.
Other News
External research dollars hit record level
A reputation for innovative research has drawn a record level of external funding to UNL.
UNL lands $2 million grant for international physics experiment
UNL scientists and facilities are playing a key role in one of the world's largest physics experiments and have received a five-year, $2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to support those efforts.
Tommy Lee Goes to College premiers
Jay Leno's "Tonight Show" band blasted out "There is No Place Nebraska" when Tommy Lee walked on stage during The Tonight Show Aug. 8. Lee then showed a video clip from Tommy Lee Goes to College depicting his on-screen meeting with UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman.
UNL, World-Herald program shares skills, ideas
The Omaha World-Herald has established a new professional in residence program at the UNL College of Journalism and Mass Communications.
UNL, iDiverse to develop stress resistant crops
UNL and iDiverse, a biotechnology company based in San Diego, have announced signing of an exclusive license agreement to commercialize UNL's transgenic plant technology which provides plants with resistance to a broad spectrum of diseases and environmental stresses, including drought.
Dissertation travels down roadways of commuting wives
Life experience is providing doctoral inspiration for UNL's Karla Mason Bergen.
New tool monitors drought impact nationwide
A new Web-based tool from the National Drought Mitigation Center is a first step toward providing long-needed information about the impact of far-reaching but difficult-to-quantify drought.
Technical ag college to offer new degree
The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis will offer a new associate of science degree to all students starting in fall 2005.
Durham gift to forge school of architectural engineering and construction in Omaha
A major commitment from Omaha civic leader Charles W. Durham and the Durham Foundation has created a new school of architectural engineering and construction.
Food Processing Center Hosts Congressmen
Women's Suffrage
Grant Funds Power Sculpture Rehab
Armed with a pressure washer, a blowtorch, acrylic paint, a vat of wax and other tools of the trade, Nathan Otterson has spent the last three weeks protecting prized sculptures positioned in the Sheldon Sculpture Gardens.
Other Arts
Dark, light childhood movies play at Ross
Both the dark and light sides of childhood are showcased in a pair of movies opening Aug. 19 at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center.
Single event tickets for Lied's new season on sale
Individual event tickets for the Lied Center's 2005-2006 season are now available for sale. Tickets may be purchased online at http://www.unl.edu/lied, by telephone at 472-4747, or in person at the Lied Center ticket office. Patrons can also still take advantage of season discounts by ordering a season package of four or more events. For additional information, visit the Lied Center website or call the ticket office.
Piano event begins Sept. 6
The Community Piano Experience starts Sept. 6 with 11 weeks of group lessons. The fee, which includes 22 hours of group lessons and textbook, is $175. The course is open to beginning and intermediate levels. Contact Julia Andrews at 472-2032 or jandrews@bigred.unl.edu to register or for more information.
American Life in Poetry
In this fascinating poem by the California poet Jane Hirshfield, the speaker discovers that through paying attention to an event she has become part of it, has indeed become inseparable from the event and its implications. This is more than an act of empathy.