
from the issue of May 4, 2006

Griesen to address graduates

Ongoing construction of the Antelope Valley Project will severely limit access from the west and south to the Bob Devaney Sports Center for May 6 commencement exercises.
 UNL officials ask those planning to attend the 9:30 a.m. ceremonies to use the 27th Street entrance to State Fair Park and park in paved lots east of the Devaney Center. Handicap accessible shuttle buses will be available for access to the Devaney Center entrance. Handicap permit parking will be available on the north side of the Devaney Center.
 Chancellor Harvey Perlman will preside at the ceremonies, and the university will award degrees to approximately 2,100 individuals.
 James Griesen, who will retire June 30 after serving 20 years as UNL's vice chancellor for student affairs, will address the graduates. Griesen and William Etmund of Lincoln will receive Distinguished Service awards from the Nebraska Alumni Association. The Distinguished Service Award is presented annually and honors individuals with exemplary records of service to the Nebraska Alumni Association and the university.
 Jack McBride of Lincoln will receive the Nebraska Builders Award from UNL.
The College of Law will have a separate graduation ceremony 3 p.m. May 6 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. Dean Steven Willborn will preside at the ceremony. The speaker will be Bob Kerrey, president of the New School University in New York City and former Nebraska governor and U.S. Senator.
 Recipients of doctoral degrees will be honored in a doctoral hooding ceremony 3:30 p.m. May 5 at Kimball Recital Hall. They will receive their diplomas at the May 6 commencement exercises.
 Prior to coming to UNL, Griesen was at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha for seven years, six years as vice chancellor for academic affairs and one year as interim chancellor. He also has held positions at the University of Michigan Medical Center and Ohio State University. Griesen is actively involved with the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators and the National Collegiate Athletic Association. He serves on the board of the Bryan/LGA Hospital Foundation and is president-elect for 2006-2007 of Lincoln's Downtown Rotary Club.
 Etmund, a banking consultant for Haberfeld Associates, served as president of the Nebraska Alumni Association board of directors from July 1, 2000, through June 30, 2002. He began his first term on the alumni board in 1993 and retired from the board in 2004.
 McBride is general manager emeritus of Nebraska Educational Telecommunications and secretary emeritus to the Nebraska Educational Television Commission, having initiated both organizations in 1963. He activated the nation's seventh-oldest public television station in 1954 for the University of Nebraska where he was director of television, general manager of KUON-TV and professor of telecommunications. He retired in 1996 but continues as senior consultant to Nebraska Educational Telecommunications and professor of telecommunications at UNL. Nebraska Builders are nominees who have contributed to building the programs or reputation of UNL, either because of their connection with or their contributions to the university.
 All ceremonies are free and open to the public, and tickets are not required. The May 6 commencement exercises will be Web-streamed live from the Devaney Center through a link at the UNL Web site (www.unl.edu).
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Griesen to address graduates
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