
from the issue of August 31, 2006

Staff Art Exhibition to be featured in Nebraska Union

Staff Art Exhibition to be featured in Nebraska Union
 By Troy Fedderson, University Communications

Inspired by her employment in the art department, Valerie Bender decided to see if she could get talented UNL staff employees to answer a call.
 "When I worked in the art department, I came into contact with a lot of very talented people who work on campus and do art as a hobby," Bender said. "That got me thinking about how I have never seen a staff-only exhibition on campus."
 In an E-News announcement issued last spring, Bender requested entries for a staff art exhibition. Within days, the staff secretary - who is now with Student Accounts - had responses from 20 UNL staffers.
 "When I floated this idea, I had no idea what the response would be," Bender said. "It really was a surprise to me. I guess maybe we are filling a need with this exhibition."
 Ten of the original 20 staff members will participate in the Staff Art Exhibition, Sept. 11-15 in the Nebraska Union's Rotunda Gallery.
 Featured staff members are: Bender; Jennifer Brown, Accounting; Tricia Fenster, Engineering; Maria Hansen, Career Services; Phillip Hauptman, Center for Science, Math and Computer Education; Michael Jackson, Instructional Design Center; Lana Koepke Johnson, Communication Information Technology; Glenda Dietrich Moore, Women's and Gender Studies; David Sockrider, Engineering; and Diane Taurins, University Communications.
 Bender said the exhibition would feature a number of art disciplines.
 "All the entries are two dimensional and involve all kinds of media," Bender said. "We also have a wide variety of backgrounds in art.
 "This exhibition is a way for these people to show the rest of campus that they are not just that staff person you see in the office."
 The exhibition is not juried and no awards will be given. Contact information for each artists will be offered in the gallery. A gallery notebook will also be available for individuals to post comments.
 Bender hopes the Staff Art Exhibition becomes a regular feature on campus.
 "I've really enjoyed working with these artists to get this going," Bender said. "I would love to continue it in the future. But, if I can't participate, I hope these other artists continue with it."
 An artists' reception will be held in the Rotunda Gallery, 5-7 p.m. Sept. 15. The reception is free and open to the public.
 Rotunda Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during exhibitions. For more information on the gallery, go online to http://si.unl.edu/gallery/rotunda
Staff Art Exhibition to be featured in Nebraska Union
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