
from the issue of September 14, 2006

Repackaging a campus tradition

A campus landmark is undergoing a sweet makeover.

| | SINGLE SERVICE - Ethan Rowley of University Housing (right) hands out the Dairy Store's new single-serve ice cream packages during the all-university picnic on Sept. 7. The packaging is part of a larger makeover for the Dairy Store, which will celebrate a 90th anniversary in June. Photo by Troy Fedderson/University Communications.

| Preparing to celebrate a 90th anniversary in June, the Dairy Store opened the fall semester with a new look, an updated catering menu and single-serve containers that expand ice cream sales to City Campus and Memorial Stadium.
 The single-serve, 10-ounce units - bearing the new Dairy Store logo - were unveiled during the all-university picnic, which followed the Sept. 7 State of the University address. The single-serve units are available at the Dairy Store, the Nebraska and East union information desks, and during Husker football games.
 "We're pretty excited about the changes to the Dairy Store," said Kathy Vokoun, manager of the Dairy Store. "We've been here a lot of years and it's nice to start being noticed by people on campus and the public."
 Rolando Flores, head of Food Science and Technology and director of the Food Processing Center, has pushed for Dairy Store promotion since he came to UNL in March.
 "At other universities, like the University of Connecticut and Penn State, the dairy store is a major campus landmark," Flores said. "I saw a potential for making the Dairy Store here a more viable opportunity. Basically what we want to do is make the Dairy Store here a landmark in Nebraska, a place people seek out when they come to East Campus."
 John Owens, vice chancellor of the Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources, aided Flores' idea when he proposed placing a visitors' center in the Dairy Store.
 "That created the critical mass for us to come out with these new products," Flores said. "It makes sense to combine a visitors' center and the Dairy Store into the entry to campus."
 In the summer, the south façade of the Food Industry Complex was renovated to include signage identifying it as home to the East Campus Visitors' Center and Dairy Store. Vokoun said the visitors' center, located in a room next to the Dairy Store, has started to take shape with the placement of a plasma screen television, a desk and racks for brochures and magazines.
 The Dairy Store also has four plasma screen televisions to showcase campus-related broadcasts for visitors and patrons. The store will also receive a minor makeover to the main counter/ordering area and is gearing up for an expanded catering role.
 Vokoun said the original Dairy Store door (in the link between the Food Industry Complex and Filley Hall) will also reopen. She said work on the project is to begin this week. When complete, the door will provide access to a courtyard area between the two halls, along a stretch of the East Campus Loop.
 And, Flores said the roadway between the East Campus Loop and Holdrege Street (between 37th and 38th streets) will be renamed Dairy Store Drive.
 Flores said the Dairy Store worked with Publications and Photography on the Dairy Store's new logo, single-serve containers and expanded catering menu. The upgrade included design work by Jon Humiston, art director for University Communications, and test marketing of the single-serve containers during Jazz in June.
 The single-serve containers are offered in four flavors - Bavarian mint, chocolate, vanilla and cookies and crème. Flores said a fifth flavor, raspberry cheesecake, would be added soon.
Repackaging a campus tradition
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