
from the issue of September 14, 2006

Human rights expert to offer Sept. 20 lecture

Human rights and political expert Azar Nafisi will present the 11th annual Governor's Lecture in Humanities when she delivers the next lecture in the E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues, 7:30 p.m. Sept. 20 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts.
 Nafisi, author of the national best-seller "Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books," is the director of the Dialogue Project at the Foreign Policy Institute of Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C., where she is a professor of aesthetics, culture, and literature, and teaches courses on the relation between culture and politics. She held a fellowship from Oxford and taught English literature at the University of Tehran, the Free Islamic University and Allameh Tabatabai University in Iran.
 Nafisi conducted workshops in Iran for women students on the relationship between culture and human rights. The material culled from these workshops formed the basis of a new human rights education curriculum. She has lectured and written extensively in English and Persian on the political implications of literature and culture, as well as the human rights of Iranian women and girls and the important role they play in the process of change for pluralism and an open society in Iran. She has been consulted on issues related to Iran and human rights both by policy makers and various human rights organizations in the United States and elsewhere.
 All Thompson Forum lectures are free and open to the public, but because of the anticipated high level of interest, free reserved-seat tickets will be distributed. Tickets will be distributed in person only at the Lied Ticket Office (no Internet orders), at the shopping concierge center at Westfield Gateway and at the service desk at the Nebraska Union. Numbers will be limited to two tickets per person. Ticketing questions can be directed to the Lied Ticket Office, 472-4747.
 Doors for the Nafisi lecture will open at 6:30 p.m., and ticket holders must be seated by 7:10 p.m., at which time non-ticket holders will be admitted to any empty seats. No cameras, backpacks, bags or briefcases will be allowed at the Lied Center during the lecture.
 An overflow viewing area will be set up at the UNL Visitors Center. The lecture will be broadcast live on the UNL Web site (www.unl.edu), Lincoln cable channel 21, UNL campus TV channel 8, NEBSAT 102 and KRNU radio station (90.3 FM).
 Other lecturers in the forum's 19th season are statesman George McGovern on Nov. 9, author and economist Clyde Prestowitz Feb. 8, and public health expert and best-selling author Sherwin Nuland March 22. The forum's 2006-07 theme is "Challenges and Change."
 Nafisi's lecture is co-sponsored by the Nebraska Humanities Council and the University of Nebraska.
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Human rights expert to offer Sept. 20 lecture
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