
from the issue of October 12, 2006

Hillestad Gallery hosts "Celebration of Youth"

Youths from across Nebraska will celebrate their textile innovations Oct. 9-27 at UNL'S Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery.

| | ON DISPLAY - Entries in the "Celebrations of Youth" exhibit include (right) "Crocheted Dress" by Kyla Huey-Labelet of Shubert and "Bargello in the Round," (bottom left) by Laura Purcell of Cook.

| Twenty-two 4-H participants, ages 10 through 19, will have their textile art on display as part of "Celebration of Youth XIII: Innovations" at the gallery on the second floor of the Home Economics Building.
 The wide variety of textile art, apparel and home environment design on display was selected by jurors from more than 2,700 Nebraska State Fair 4-H clothing and home environment project exhibits.
 The exhibit recognizes the accomplishments and creativity of Nebraska youth and the uniqueness of their projects. The experience also increases their understanding of textile science, design and apparel merchandising while exposing them to college life.
 Youth will discuss their work at a public lecture in the Home Economics Building at 12:30 p.m. Oct. 15. A visit to the gallery and artists reception follows. The exhibit and lecture are free and open to the public.
 For more information about the exhibition, call 472-2911. The Hillestad Gallery is open to the public, without charge, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The gallery is closed weekends and university holidays.
 Celebration of Youth is sponsored by the nonprofit group Friends of the Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery; the Department of Textiles, Clothing and Design in the College of Education and Human Sciences; and 4-H, a part of UNL Extension in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Hillestad Gallery hosts "Celebration of Youth"
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