
from the issue of December 7, 2006

Academic adviser, son help gather funds for area Red Kettle campaign

Mercury inching into the mid-20s and a gusty northwest wind never felt so good.

| | GIVING SPIRIT - Andrew and Wendy O'Connor thank Lincoln resident Tim Janssen as he donates to the Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign. Photo by Troy Fedderson/University Communications.

| | Drawing attention with ringing bells, Santa hats and synchronized dance moves (backed by vocals from Alvin and the Chipmunks), Wendy O'Connor and her son, Andrew, spent two hours on Nov. 2 collecting donations for the Lincoln Corps of The Salvation Army.
 The duo volunteered for their first Red Kettle campaign a year ago. This year, they will spend six hours (broken into two-hour shifts) collecting donations outside Wal-Mart on North 27th Street.
 "We started doing this because I wanted to do a community service project with my son," said Wendy O'Connor, academic adviser for the School of Biological Sciences. "It's really a lot of fun and it gives us a good feeling inside."
 Andrew O'Connor prompted his mom's search for a community service project. After Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast in 2005, the 10-year-old gathered pipe cleaners and hand crafted 1000 butterflies. He sold the creations, raising about $300 for the hurricane victims.
 "It's important to instill those types of values at a young age," Wendy O'Connor said. "Collecting for the Salvation Army is a way to reinforce that."
 Andrew - who also has a post-Christmas tradition of donating a few used toys to the People's City Mission - fully understands why he has the bell in hand.
 "I like that I get to help the poor people," Andrew O'Connor said. "They don't have many toys and I want them to have toys. And, I want them to have some money to buy food so they can live."
 While some Salvation Army volunteers take a stoic approach, the O'Connors do a bit of entertaining.
 "We like to have fun and be a little goofy when we're out there," Wendy O'Connor said. "We have our hats, play Alvin and the Chipmunks and we dance around. People really respond to it, and it helps keep us warm."
 The extras also keep Andrew in tune with the project.
 "I like being out there and acting goofy," Andrew O'Connor said. "And, I like being there with my mom. That's the best part."
 For Wendy O'Connor, the volunteer experience has had an unexpected impact on campus.
 "One night, I did off-the-cuff advising for three students at Wal-Mart," she said. "They see you out in the community, doing this kind of volunteering, and it leaves a good impression on them.
 "Not only are you having an impact on the community, but you are setting a good example for our students here at the university."

Red Kettle Campaign The Salvation Army's Red Kettle campaign started in 1891 when Capt. Joseph McFee collected donations to provide a free Christmas dinner to the poor of San Francisco.
 Donations from the holiday fund-raising effort enable The Salvation Army to operate year-round, providing assistance to the underprivileged in and around the Lincoln area.
 The Salvation Army continues to seek volunteers for the 2006 effort. Interested individuals can sign up online for shifts (starting at two-hours) at a variety of sites around Lincoln. Volunteer online at www.salavationarmylincoln.org.

Reaching out from campus These seasonal collection drives are available at UNL. If you are hosting a collection drive and would like to see it published in the Scarlet, contact Troy Fedderson at tfedderson2@unl.edu or 472-8515.
 Holiday Hat and Glove Drive
 The Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is collecting donations for a hat and glove drive for the Peoples City Mission, the Lincoln Action Program and the Friendship Home. These organizations are in need of new hats and gloves for all ages (infant to adult).
 Donations will be divided equally between the organizations.
 Donations can be left at 208 Canfield Administration Building. The deadline for donations is Dec. 13.

 Star City Stocking Stuffers
 The University of Nebraska Federal Credit Union is collecting new, unwrapped toys for the Star City Stocking Stuffer program.
 Donations can be dropped off at either credit union location, 1630 Q St. or 301 N. 52nd St. The deadline for donations is Dec. 15.
 For more information, go online to www.nufcu.org.
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