'Sex in Heartland' focus of 'Great Plains Great Books' series The "Great Plains Great Books" series on NET Radio features "Sex in the Heartland" by Beth Bailey. The "sexual revolution" of the turbulent 1960s is often written about in terms of such places as Berkeley, San Francisco, or Greenwich Village. In contrast, "Sex in the Heartland" examines how life and behavior in Lawrence, Kan., was transformed by the "60s and how many important changes were actually forged in the heartland. The series episode airs on NET Radio 9-10 a.m., Sept. 21 during "Friday Live," or 12:30 p.m., Sept. 22. The radio essays are also available online at netNebraska.org/greatbooks. "Great Plains Great Books" is a series of 10 radio essays produced by NET Radio in partnership with the Plains Humanities Alliance in UNL's Center for Great Plains Studies. For more information about the books featured in "Great Books of the Great Plains," go online to plainshumanities.unl.edu.