| | CARSON INTERNS - The work of students in the College of Fine and Performing Arts, College of Journalism and Mass Communications and Nebraska Educational Telecommunications internship program will be showcased during the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film dedication. Interns who led the video project are (from left) John Albrecht, Josie Azzam and Trevor Hall. Not pictured is Justin Peterson. Photo by Troy Fedderson/University Communications.

Campus collaboration
The Johnny Carson legacy is providing a spotlight for an inter-disciplinary collaboration.
Top News
Scarlet available in pdf format
Carson dedication is Oct. 12
UNL will dedicate the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film Oct. 12 during Homecoming Weekend.
Forum to examine ethanol
The national debate over ethanol will take centerstage in the Oct. 15 E.N. Thomposn Forum.
Stress eating, hospital visits turn Wetzel to wellness tide
Annette Wetzel found solace in cupcakes.
Carson gifts power program improvements
Entertainment and television icon and University of Nebraska alumnus Johnny Carson announced in November 2004 a gift of $5.3 million to the University of Nebraska Foundation to support the renovation and expansion of the Temple Building, home to the Carson School, and to create an endowment to keep performance spaces equipped with the latest advances in lighting and sound technologies.
Other News
Engineering inks deal to offer dual degree
The College of Engineering signed a five-year agreement Oct. 1 to offer a dual-degree program with Anna University in Chennai, India.
Student Affairs to host empowerment forum
UNL is revamping its annual diversity retreat into the Empowerment Forum, a free event open to all students, faculty and staff interested in diversity issues.
A Piece
of University History
From the Archives - Johnny Carson
John Carson was born in Corning, Iowa, on Oct. 23, 1925, and grew up in Norfolk, Neb. He began his career at age 14 with a magic act called "The Great Carsoni" in Norfolk. Carson served in World War II in the Navy as an ensign, before enrolling at NU in 1947. He received his bachelor of arts degree in radio and speech (with a minor in physics) in 1949.
'Celebration of Youth' open to Oct. 27
Textile and design art from 20 Nebraska 4-Hers is on display through Oct. 27 at the Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery. The exhibit is part of the 14th annual Celebration of Youth: Imagine.
Other Arts
Oct. 17 Olson Seminar to recount history of plants that sustain life
The Oct. 17 Paul A. Olson Seminar in Great Plains Studies will delve into the history of plants that fuel industrialized nations.
Miller performance Oct. 17
Tim Miller, a performance artist and gay activist, will perform his one-man show "Us" at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 17 in the Lied Center for Performing Arts' Johnny Carson Theater.
Dance troupe to perform Oct. 12 at the Lied Center
One of Great Britain's most celebrated contemporary companies, the Richard Alston Dance Company, will perform at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 12 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts.
'Love Terrors' exhibit opens
"Love Terrors," an exhibition using multiple views of horror, humor, propaganda, formal abstraction and zombies to explore the dynamic between communities and violence, is open through Nov. 20 in the EisentragerHoward Gallery in Richards Hall.
Shepherd book signing is Oct. 20
The University Bookstore will host a book signing with Rajean Luebs Shepherd to mark the release of her children's book "Husker Numbers: A Nebraska Number Book," 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 20.
'2 Days in Paris,' 'Delirious' open Oct. 12 at the Ross
A romantic comedy exploring cultural idiosyncrasies and a satire of the paparazzi life open Oct. 12 at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center.
American Life in Poetry
Children at play give personalities to lifeless objects, and we don't need to give up that pleasure as we grow older. Poets are good at discerning life within what otherwise might seem lifeless. Here the poet Peter Pereira, a family physician in the Seattle area, contemplates a smiling statue, and in that moment of contemplation the smile is given by the statue to the man.