| | GAME DAY SHOOT - Members of a Warner Brothers Pictures film crew shoot the tunnel walk during the Oct. 13 Husker football game. Photo by Tom Slocum/University Communications.

Hollywood Calls
Hollywood is taking notice of UNL.
Top News
Chancellor names Osborne interim AD
Chancellor Harvey Perlman announced Oct 16 that Tom Osborne has agreed to serve as UNL's athletic director on an interim basis.
$2.74M grant aimed at improving children's literacy
Language and reading skills for rural, low-income children age 3 to 5 is the focus for a new project through UNL's Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools.
UNL Alert now issues multiple messages
Students, faculty and staff at UNL will receive emergency messages wherever they want to get them. The new UNL Alert system was launched Oct. 18, and the university community is signing up for the message delivery process now.
Swanson discovers new strength in yoga experience
Weight lifting has forever shaped Todd Swanson's life, but yoga has helped him straighten it out.
Other News
Confucius Institute opening is Oct. 29-30
Nearly 20 Chinese guests, including about a dozen students, are expected Oct. 29-30 for events associated with the grand opening of the Confucius Institute at UNL.
Climate change focus of Nov. 1 Nebraska Lecture
Climate change is one of the world's most critical issues and University of Nebraska-Lincoln geoscientist Sheri Fritz will discuss the history of climate change Nov. 1 during the fall UNL Nebraska Lecture.
'Battle for the Pentagon Papers' events begin Oct. 30
The historical docudrama, "Top Secret: The Battle for the Pentagon Papers," and related lectures will be featured on campus from Oct. 30 to Nov. 2.
McCutcheon to help guide 2008 election exit polling
UNLs own Allan McCutcheon will have a leading role to play in the 2008 elections courtesy of the agency that oversees the medias exit polling.
A Piece
of University History
From the Archives - Charles E. Bessey
Charles E. Bessey was selected by the NU regents to serve as a professor of botany and horticulture. Bessey accepted the appointment in 1885, leaving the Iowa State College of Agriculture.
Sheldon marks 'Day of the Dead' Oct. 27
In connection with the ongoing exhibition, "Seasonal Celebrations, Daily Life: Photographs by Graciela Iturbide," Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery will celebrate El Dia de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead) Oct. 27 with music, dance, theater and art-making activities.
Other Arts
Moon missions documentary opens Oct. 26
The only humans to have set foot on another world discuss their voyages in the documentary, "In the Shadow of the Moon," opening Oct. 26 at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center.
'Date With a Masterpiece' is Nov. 2 at the Sheldon
The John Singleton Copley painting "Nicholas Boylston, "on extended loan to the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, will be featured in a "Friday Night Date with a Masterpiece," 5 to 7 p.m. Nov. 2.
Yamato drums to play Oct. 24
Yamato, an energetic Japanese drumming ensemble, will perform at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 24 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts.
Oct. 29 'Solid Blues' features Musselwhite, Staples, Korwn, North Mississippi Allstars
Solid Blues are coming to the Lied Center for Performing Arts.
'Hairspray' blows into Lied Oct. 27-29
"Hairspray," the Broadway musical that inspired a major motion film, is coming to the Lied Center for Performing Arts Oct. 27-29.
University Singers to perform Oct. 19 in Kimball Hall
The University Singers will perform at 7:30 p.m., Oct. 19 in Kimball Recital Hall.
Shepherd signing Oct. 20
The University Bookstore will host a book signing with Rajean Luebs Shepherd to mark the release of her children's book "Husker Numbers: A Nebraska Number Book," 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 20.
Pacifica String Quartet to perform Oct. 21
The Pacifica String Quartet will perform at 3 p.m. Oct. 21 at the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery. The performance will open the 2007-08 season for the Lincoln Friends of Chamber Music.
American Life in Poetry
It may be that we are most alone when attending funerals, at least that's how it seems to me. By alone I mean that even among throngs of mourners we pull back within ourselves and peer out at life as if through a window. David Baker, an Ohio poet, offers us a picture of a funeral that could be anybody's.