
from the issue of November 8, 2007

UNL rated 8th best place to work in academia

Readers of The Scientist rated UNL eighth in the magazine's annual "Best Places to Work in Academia" rankings, announced Oct. 30.
 Several of the top ranked institutions have consistently performed year after year - including the J. David Gladstone Institutes, St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital and Trudeau. Others have experienced dramatic movements from 2006 to 2007 - UNL "catapulted from 28th to 8th," and Purdue moved from 25th to 4th.
 Surveyed academics at these institutions attribute these leaps to excellent peer relations and the resources they need to do their research.
 "You wouldn't imagine that you could run a big AIDS research program (in Nebraska), but we do," UNL virologist Charles Wood, director of the Nebraska Center for Virology, told The Scientist.
 Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston was named in the magazine as the Best Place to Work in Academia in the United States, and Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, as the top international institution. In the survey, published in the November issue of The Scientist, the National Cancer Institute-Frederick, Clemson University, Purdue University and the Trudeau Institute rounded out the top 5 in the U.S.
 Among international institutions, the University of Nottingham, the University of Helsinki, and the University of Dundee took top honors.
 Superior peer relations, along with research resources, pay and tenure were among the characteristics cited by surveyed academics as setting their institutions apart.
 Survey respondents were asked to assess their working environments by indicating their level of agreement with 39 statements in eight different categories. With more than 2,000 qualified responses, a total of 83 institutions were represented. The Scientist's November issue, available Nov. 1and released online at www.the-scientist.com, features detailed survey results and rankings of the top 40 U.S. institutions and the top 15 international institutions.
 The Scientist's Best Places to Work survey series - including academia, postdoc, and industry - is currently in its fifth year. Full results of the survey, methodology, and past BPTW surveys are available online at www.the-scientist.com/bptw.

Top 10 Best Places to work in Academia 1. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 2. National Cancer Institute-Frederick, Frederick, Md. 3. Clemson University, Clemson, S.C. 4. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. 5. Trudeau Institute, Saranac Lake, N.Y. 6. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis 7. The J. David Gladstone Institutes, San Francisco 8. University of Nebraska-Lincoln 9. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas 10. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston
 Information provided by The Scientist
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