Experience the power of bugs
Sep 25th, 2008 | By tfedderson2 | Category: Campus News, September 25, 2008Entomology open house draws more than 400 visitors
- FLY TYING – Ken Pruess, emeriti professor of entomology, demonstrates how to tie a simple crappie fly during the open house.
- BUG DOCTOR – Keith Lloyd (right), a senior insect science major from Omaha, discusses his symptoms with Jordan Sheets. By talking with “patients” like Lloyd, youth were able to diagnose bug-related illnesses and receive a Bug Doctor certificate. Sheets is the son of Shawn Sheets, who works in Communications and Information Technology.
- BEE DEMONSTRATION – Jeremy Wagnitz, an entomology graduate student from Minden, removes the queen bee from a swarm as part of a bee demonstration at “Experience the Power of Bugs,” a Sept. 21 open house hosted by the Department of Entomology. The event drew more than 400 visitors that took part in a variety of insect-related activities in Entomology Hall.
- INSECT TALK – Lance Meinke (far right), professor of entomology, discusses Nebraska insects with (from left) Jonathan, Lori and Jennifer Barnard. Lori Barnard works in Facilities Management and Planning.
- MAGGOT PAINTING – Calvin Knapp guides a paint-covered maggot around a sheet of paper to create a bug-inspired painting. Knapp is the son of Fred and Carrie Knapp. Fred Knapp works for NET.
Photos by Troy Fedderson, University Communications