
from the issue of February 26, 2004

Panel to discuss Passion of the Christ March 1

The Classics and Religious Studies department will conduct a panel discussion March 1 titled Mel Gibsons The Passion of the Christ: Context and Reflection. The panel begins at 3:30 p.m. and will be in the Bessey Hall Auditorium (room 117).
 Gibsons interpretation and production of the last 12 hours of the life of Jesus Christ, The Passion of the Christ, opened Feb. 25.
 Panelists will include Stephen Burnett, associate professor of Classics and Religious Studies and History; Sidnie White Crawford, chair and professor of Classics and Religious Studies; Robert Gorman and Stephen Lahey, lecturers in Classics and Religious Studies; and John Turner, Cotner University professor of Religion. The discussion will focus on the professors particular area of expertise and their impressions of the film from their viewpoint as academic researchers and scholars, including the use of language in the film, historic accuracy in the portrayal of the film, and the context of the Gospels in the period depicted.
 There has been so much discussion about this film already and we are very interested in helping people find answers to questions they may have, and to provide a scholarly viewpoint on the subjects that have been discussed in conjunction with the film, Crawford said. As an academic department, we dont embrace any theological viewpoint, but hope instead to provide a neutral venue where information can be shared.
 The panelists will have attended the movie.
 The panel discussion is free and open to the public and the panelists will answer questions.
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Panel to discuss ‘Passion of the Christ’ March 1
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