
from the issue of August 31, 2006

Faculty organize multi-faceted Hurricane Katrina retrospective

One year ago, thousands fled the Gulf Coast or awaited the predicted devastation of Hurricane Katrina.

| | KATRINA REMEMBERED - Students, faculty, staff and members of the community reflect during an Aug. 28 candlelight vigil to remember the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The vigil in the Nebraska Union Plaza drew about 40 participants and was the first in a series of events in a Katrina retrospective, spearheaded by UNL faculty members. For more information, turn to Page 8. Photo by Troy Fedderson/University Communications.

| | In the year since, the world has watched residents struggle to rebuild their homes and communities, observed policymakers wrestle with answers to issues of sustainability, and examined what went wrong.
 At UNL, faculty, students and invited guests will spend four days examining Hurricane Katrina with panels, lectures and discussions, and give people time to reflect emotionally and intellectually on an event that had historic significance.
 The event has been organized by UNL faculty Patrick Jones, Seanna Oakley and Gregory Rutledge, all assistant professors of English.
 The event opened Aug. 28 with a candlelight vigil marking the Hurricane Katrina anniversary. It continues Sept. 5-8.
 "I never imagined how deeply committed Nebraskans became during the past year to assisting the communities hit by Katrina," said Oakley. "It's important to inform both Nebraskans and others across the nation that Nebraskans do have a stake in continuing to support recovery efforts, as well as commend those who have been working all along behind the scene."
 From Sept. 5 to Sept. 8, UNL will present documentaries, panels on Nebraska's response and local hurricane evacuees, a presentation from a historian from Tulane University, talks by people affected and a lecture by a New York Times correspondent who covered the disaster, and discussion by UNL students who have helped in the recovery. On Sept. 8, a cultural gala at the Champions Club, will end the events.
 The events are free and open to the public.

AFTER THE STORM: HURRICANE KATRINA Events planned for the UNL-led retrospective include:
 Sept. 5 5-6:30 p.m. - Documentary discussion on "The Flood" by PBS on "American Experience," Culture Center.
 7:30-9:30 p.m. - Panel, "Nebraska Responds to Katrina," Malone Community Center, 2032 U St.
 Sept. 6 4:30-6 p.m. - presentation, "Voices of Katrina," featuring local Hurricane Katrina evacuees; Nebraska Union Auditorium.
 7:30-9:30 p.m. - Keynote speaker, Lance Hill, Department of History, Tulane University; Nebraska Union auditorium.
 Sept. 7 1-2:30 p.m. - Lecture, Tanya Harris, director, Lower Ninth Ward chapter of ACORN, New Orleans, Southeast Community College, 8800 O St.
 4-5:30 p.m. - Dialogue, Kalamu ya Salaam and Tanya Harris, Malone Center
 7:30-9:30 p.m. - Keynote speaker, Adam Nossiter, national correspondent for the New York Times, Nebraska Union.
 Sept. 8 12:30 p.m. - Brownbag lunch, Tanya Harris, Dudley Bailey Library, Andrews Hall.
 3:30-5 p.m. - Panel, "Southern Exposure" featuring UNL student volunteers and community members who have traveled south to help with reconstruction efforts, Dudley Bailey Library.
 7:30-10 p.m. - Closing cultural gala, Nebraska Champions Club, 707 Stadium Drive, the Darryl White Jazz Quintet, Tanya Harris, Omaha Slam Poet team, Kalamu ya Salaam, refreshments provided, emceed by Kwakiutl Dreher.
 For a complete schedule, go online to http://ucommxsrv1.unl.edu/unlnews
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