
from the issue of August 31, 2006

From the Archives

 At the conclusion of World War II, an influx of returning soldiers caused a significant shortage of housing in the Lincoln area.
 Many of those returning from active duty were enrolling at the University of Nebraska under the G.I. Bill. To help cushion the housing demand, the university converted 65 former army airfield hospital buildings, located on the west side of Northwest 48th Street, north of the Arnold Heights neighborhood, to married student housing.
 The airfield operated from 1942 to 1945. A mechanics detachment from Tuskegee, Ala., - which was part of the famous African American flying unit - trained at the base.
 After the university took over the area, it came to be called "Huskerville." It covered roughly four city blocks and included a grocery store, drug store, barbershop, beauty shop, laundry, nursery, movie theater and chapel.
 The Lincoln Housing Authority assumed management of Huskerville for the university in 1949.
 In 1952, a reported outbreak of polio in Huskerville killed two and left 31 others paralyzed. The community never recovered from the effects of the outbreak.
 To prevent further contamination, Huskerville buildings were either sold or demolished in the 1960s.
 The only building that remains standing is the Lincoln Army Air Field Regimental Chapel, located at 4601 NW 48th St.
 Built at the insistence of Elenor Roosevelt, the chapel is included on the National Register of Historic Places.

 From the Archives is a regular feature of the Scarlet. The Huskerville image was provided by University Archives. If you have an item for this feature, call 472-8515 or send e-mail to tfedderson2@unl.edu.
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