Juggling act opens Lied family series Dangerous objects will fly when The Passing Zone shares their unique comedic juggling act, 7 p.m. Oct. 11 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. The Passing Zone performance is the first "Family Series" event for the Lied's 2006-2007 season. Jon Wee and Owen Morse are The Passing Zone. They specialize in entertaining audiences through a combination of comedy and juggling items such as chain saws, Chia Pets and Garden Weasels. The duo has taken the act to the next level, introducing human juggling. Expanding on the family atmosphere, the Lied Center will host LiedFamFest beginning 90 minutes before the performance. Ticket holders are invited to come early for a family-friendly party, featuring free food, soft drinks, entertainment and hands-on activities. Ticket prices are $12. UNL students with a valid NCard and youth 18 and younger may purchase tickets for half price. For more information, go online to www.liedcenter.org or call 472-4747.