
from the issue of January 25, 2007

Artist-In-Residence begins work Feb. 1

Teaming with UNL's Arts are Basic program, the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center will host an artist-in-residence program with filmmaker Jon Jost beginning Feb. 1.
 Jost, who worked in 16mm and 35 mm (Panavision) before shifting to digital video in 1996, will lead digital cinema classes at the Ross. For more information, contact the Ross at info@theross.org or 472-9100.
 Jost will also teach digital video production in Lincoln Public Schools and the Valentine, Neb., area schools.
 During is residency, Jost will also be making a feature length narrative film about life in contemporary rural Great Plains dealing with current realities regarding agricultural, economic, and social conditions.
 In addition, Jost hopes to shoot several other feature length films. Finally, he will create a large-scale video installation piece to be exhibited at Modern Arts Midwest located in the Haymarket in Lincoln.
 All of the works completed by Jost and his students during his residency will be screened at the Ross. For more information, go online to www.theross.org or call (402) 595-2122.
Exhibit focuses on relationship of comic, high art
American Life in Poetry
Artist-In-Residence begins work Feb. 1
Arts Entrepreneurship event Feb. 3
Fritz exhibit opens Jan. 26
Hillestad hosts student exhibit through Jan. 26
Keynote to join Feb. 1 Women: POV discussion
Moscow Festival Ballet presents 'Cinderella' performance Jan. 25
Oscar hopeful 'Last King of Scotland' plays the Ross
Rhythms of 'STOMP' to fill Lied Center
Roland to guide movie talk Jan. 28
Ross display showcases vintage Disney posters
School of Music's 'Celebration of American Song' is Jan. 29